Feeding the Ravens: part 2

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Hey guys!This is part two of my first seies!The guys com in here!! Hope you enjoy it!Good luck! :)

Created by: Demontheangel
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. yeah so .......you turn the sheet and around and what you see makes your blood run cold. You see in the middle of the page written in a scribbly handwritting is a message: 'Make your choices carefully; they weigh too much and can even cost lives'. Your heartbeat increases and you start sweating when you hear a faint evil laughter like the ones in the movies.
  2. You decide its nothing and the back message is probably a joke to scare you.You think this might be a good idea to get away from the woods and take your mind of Shadow.
  3. You try the contact number given.But unfortunately nobody picks up.Wierd. You decide to go to the address. You write a note to your grandfather saying that you will be gone for a while. Then you put on sonme clothes and go out to find your bike.
  4. It is a cloudy day and the winh whips your face as you race along the countryside toward the city. You have already left the woods, but the intimidating thoughts of the message at the back keeps haunting you, the creepy face of the joker keeps flooding back to our eyes. The Gamer would be held in a recently opened amusement park in the city.Your are kinda nervous as this will be your first appearance in a TV show. Finally you reach the amusement park.Its parking lot is overflowing with vehicles of all sorts and a few families were getting out of their cars and heading towards the main gates. You park your bike and approach the main gate. Above you, the sky is getting darker as clouds block out the sun rays.The amusement park is filled with people of all ages. Little kids are flocked around the candy stand. Others are waiting impatiently in the que for the already crowded rides. The cold air is filled with thrilled screams and noisy chatter. The address leads you to a dark abondoned corner of the park. There you find a long tin building; its sides painted with rainbow clours and the face of the creepy joker placed right in the middle. You see a door at the end of the building and you approach it hesitatingly.Standing in front of the door, you can feel the taindrops trickle down your body gently accompanied with the howling wind. You shiver from cold. You take a deep breath and knock twice......
  5. On the second knock the door opens with a creaky sound. You gulp and push it slowly and enter. The door closes silently behind you, and you find yourself in a very very small room dimly lit by an eerie red light. There is a wooden chair placed against a wall.Opposite to the chair is a door. You go and try it. Locked. You decide to sit down, the ride tired you too much. You wait for half an hour. You almost doze off when you hear a lucid clear chuckle. You jump up on your chair and look around to find the source of the chuckle. Wierd, it seemed like it came from this very room, but no one's there.Ok, now you are scared. "Uh, hello? Is this a joke? Am-am I being watched?"you call out loud. You hear the chuckle again..........but this time it does not stop and it grows into a squeaky laugh.You look around to all your sides, puzzled. "Ok, no more games.Miniti please bring our guest."the squeaky voice says. Suddenly the door flows open and in walks in...
  6. ...a funny-looking person. He is 4 feet tall and he wore blood red lipstick.His whole face is painted white and decorated with red and yellow polka dots and his eyelashes were painted with sparkles. He wore a furry gorilla costume and his hair was painted yellow. You stiffle a giggle as he starts talking,"this way ma'am." "You must be Minitri!Good costume,"you say giggling a little. He pays no attention and works with his chin potruding the air like a bulbous penninsula. He leads you out of the creepy red room and you enter....
  7. ....a bright white room. Everything there is white, the walls , floor , celling. everythinf shinning and spotless white.In the middle of the room there are two white couches facing each other on a raised platfrom. And sitting in one of the couches is.......................................the joker! He's way worse creepy than in the pictures. His white face has a smile painted on it and his crooked nose looked like a broken carrot. His scar frame dhis forehead and his glassy beady eyes stared at you mockingly. His tall, slim and hunched figure was covered with a a deep blue robe bedazzled with colourful jems. On his left hand middle finger he wore a amethyst ring. Smiling all the while he gestures you to the opposite couch. You see Minitri is gone and you and the joker are the only ones left in the room. You obidiently go and sit on the couch, all the while staring cautiously at our wierd host. The joker stares at you with his unblinking eyes,and so do you.
  8. Suddenly the joker starts speaking in his squeaky voice, "Welcome Amanda, welcome!! I feel honoured to finally meet you. Let me answer some questions first. Firstly, this is a game which will last for 3 days. At the end of the three days, your choices, whtether wrong or right will reveal your present! There are 3 presents and it is upto fate to which one you will possess.You will be asked to make a few simple choices and complete frw tasks. We have made an appropraite arrangement for you staying with us for these 3 days. Then you will be free to go home WITH your present.Any questions?" ............."Er, how do you know my name?" you ask. "Oh, hahahaha!I know a lot of things and oh by the way you can call me the Raven. Yes, I am the one who sent Shadow to the woods, waiting for someone to pick it up, so he or she may be our fortunate first contestant. Come now child, let me show your presents." The Raven stands up and claps his hands twice.....
  9. .....and a door appears out of thin air! He opens the door for you and you enter. He enters and closes the door. To your surprise, it disappears! You look around and what you see scares the hell outta you....
  10. You see in three big glass conatiners are three ......... guys. "Who are they?"you ask shocked! "Oh, your presents!"the Raven answers casually. You stare at him, your mouth dropped open. The Raven walks to the first container. They guy inside is actually well.......wierd. His full half naked body is milky white, even his touseled hair is silky glossy white. The only colour in his body were his eyes and eyebrows. His eyebrows were black...and his lone eyelashes were black too. But the msot breathtaking thing was his eyes. They were a piercing , icy blue. They shone like crystals ....... and he was staring right st you with a faint smile. Suddenly, you noticed something which you had missed earlier. He had massive feathery white wings that rose taller than his six foot height. You could only stare....
  11. You come back to sense as the Raven says," This is Enois. He used to be a guardian agngel." With this he tugd you and brings you in front of the second container. There you see a half nake dguy too. But his skin tone is a creamy coffee colour.His pale brown hair fell carelessy on his forhead in an untidy way. His eyes were an enchanting and earthly green. He was looked at you, gave oyu a sweet smile and turned his face away shyly.....
  12. "His name is Javain and he is the son of the earthly spriits. Ok,lets move on...."the Raven says waving his hand. Finally you reah the third contaier. And in it is seated again a half naked guy. He wa stanned and was very muscular. He gave you a dazzling friendly smile which showed his cute dimples. His eyes were a blood red colour. His bronze hair was mesed up and he looked really cute. "This is Hader, son of the devil himself! Appearances can de decieving honey,"the Raven said with disdain.
  13. "Ok lets go!Your choices will free only one of these miserables and the other two will be left for our next contestants."the Raven chatters as you both exit out of another door and enter the white room....
  14. CLIFFHANGER!!! Did you like my quiz? (no effect)

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