Fancy Fantasy Part 8

I KNOW I'VE TAKEN FOREVER and i'm so sorry guise i'm just a lazy butt :P Marcus and Jake lovers will love this part also

Guys descriptions: *Marcus* sexy dark brown hair with puppy dog brown eyes, very well built, nicely tan, funny and relaxed *Jake* nerdy, short brown hair with clear light brown eyes, slight but strong build, slightly tan, very smart, makes you laugh and feel safe and special *Taylor* emo is the one word that describes him, black hair that goes just past his coal-colored eyes, well built, pale *Bobby* sexy dirty blonde hair with glassy blue eyes, bad boy, chillax, very muscular but lean build, tan

Created by: Twisted_Roots

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Recap: Your intense cloud staring was interrupted by shoes crunching on gravel. You glare at the sky, then turn around to see who interrupted your deep thought. It's...
  2. Marcus. He walks up from behind you and sits down next to you on the bench. His hands are in the pocket of his hoodie, and his foot is tapping nervously on the dirt. You stare at his foot, then his hands, then his face, but he's not looking at you, he's looking at his foot, as if willing it to stop its' nervous tap dance. You continue to stare a hole in his temple until he shyly looks over at you from the corner of his eye, then snaps his gaze back to his foot. His hands are now gripping the edge of the bench as if holding on for dear life. You slowly reach over and cover his right hand with your left. His foot stops tapping. He looks to your hands, then his eyes follow your arm up to your face. You see his left hand slowly come up and it gently cups your face, he gradually leans in until his lips are micrometers from yours.
  3. They hover there for a moment, but he abruptly leans back and puts his hands back into his hoodie. He stands up and starts muttering to himself, "I can't do it. I'm such an idiot, but I can't do it." He continues to mentally kick himself, and you watch in fascination until you can't stand it anymore. You get off the bench and close the few feet between you and Marcus. He turns around to face you but keeps his gaze locked on the ground. You gently lift his chin so that he's looking at you, and in his eyes you see sheer terror. "Can't do what, Marcus?" you softly murmur. Terror changes to sadness and regret. He looks to the sky, takes a breath, then looks back at you and spills out, "iwaswonderingifyouwantedtogotodinnerwithme?" as quickly as humanly possible. You smile and gaze at him. "Of course, I would love to go to dinner with you." He exhales in pure relief and wraps you into one of his magnificent hugs. You reach your arms around him. He gently kisses the top of your head and squeezes you briefly, then releases you. "Thanks ____." "What were you afraid of?" You question. "Rejection." He says as he starts back towards the mansion. You sigh dreamily.
  4. You stare at his muscular back until he walks into the house. Your big, beautiful house. The door opens again and it's Jake. He runs up to you and puts his hands on his knees to catch his breath. You sit down cross-legged and stare up at him. He smiles and says in between pants, "I went for a run this morning, and when I got back you weren't in the house, but I thought we would start training today, so I ran out here to get you." he laid down on the grass next to you, one hand on his stomach and the other by his side. You laid down beside him and (if you like Jake) grabbed the hand by his side (if you don't like him, this didn't happen!). After his breathing finally evens out, he turns his head to look at you and you return his gaze. "Ready to start training?" He questions. You nod your head and he jumps up and offers you his hand. You take it and he gently pulls you to your feet.
  5. "Ok, we're going to start small." He said and looked around. "Let's see... ah!" he reached down and picked up and golden yellow dandelion. "Now, focus on this dandelion. Think of... how to put this nicely... uh, there's no other way to say this. Just focus on killing it." You frowned. "What did the dandelion ever do to me? I can't "˜just focus on killing it'!" he sighed. "As soon as you kill it, we'll work on bringing it back to life ok?" you thought for a second. "What if I can kill it, but not bring it back?" He laughed. "Then thank God it's a dandelion and not a person."
  6. You nod your head and stare at the innocent dandelion in Jake's palm. You focus making the life ooze out the petals. The leaves droop a smidgeon. "You're doing it ___!" Jake grins. "Focus harder. Clear your mind!" You block out everything around you except for murdering the dandelion. Slowly, PAINFULLY slowly, the stem, leaves, and petals droop and drain of color until it's just a black and grey blob in Jake's palm. He beams at you. "Yes! Fantastic job! Now, concentrate on making the dandelion breathe in the water vapor, sunlight, and carbon dioxide around it, as these are what it needs to live." You nod and stare at the dead dandelion in his hand, willing it to draw in all that Jake said it needs. It starts to glow, a dim aura at first, you concentrate harder and the aura flashes, and the dandelion stands straight as a soldier in Jake's palm. He bends down and plants it into the ground, then stands up and smiles at you. You release a pent up victory cry and tackle him in a hug. He laughs as you two tumble to the ground. You wrestle around a little bit, and he begins to tickle you. You squeal and tell him to stop it, but he doesn't. You roll him over so you're sitting on him and pin his arms above his head. He smiles at you with a mischievous grin on his face. You're both breathing heavily.
  7. IF YOU LIKE JAKE, READ THIS PARAGRAPH. IF NOT, SKIP! You smile back at him and slowly release his arms. He props himself up on his elbows and looks up at you. You stare back into his clear brown eyes. "You're beautiful. You know that?" You blushed. Jake has always been so sweet. He reached up and tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear. You bent down and rested your forehead on his, your hands supporting you on the ground by Jake's. "You're amazing. You know that?" you counter. He grins and puts his hand on the back of your neck, pulling your lips to his. It couldn't have been more perfect. Hot, cold, firm, soft, quiet, loud, passion, tenderness, all in one kiss.
  8. You get off and help him up. "You wanna try to kill something bigger?" he questions and wiggles his eyebrows. You laugh. "Sure! I love a challenge." "Great!" He takes your hand and leads you to the beginning of the forest. "This is the edge of our property line. We can still walk out there, but we need to be extremely careful. Only go there if one of us is with you, got it?" You nod your head somberly. He walks up to a tree and looks it up and down. "This one seems like a worthy opponent!" He draws an imaginary sword and pretends to duel the tree. "En garde!" you chuckle and shake your head. "Amateurs." You whisper just loud enough for him to hear. He mocks hurt. "Your rapier just went straight through my heart." He puts his hands to his chest and falls to the ground. You laugh. "Are we gonna do this or not?" "I'm not. YOU are." He gets up and crosses his arms over his chest. You nod and walk up to the tree, placing your hand gingerly on the rough bark. You imagine all the water, nutrients, and sunlight the tree has abandoning their posts and flowing into you, empowering you. The tree begins to groan and creak; you look up to see the branches extending their leafy fists towards you. Looking down, the roots are coming unhinged from the ground. You think you hear someone call your name but you ignore it. The tree is almost dead and you're not going to stop until it's on the grou- OOF!!
  9. Something hits you hard on the left and you fly about 20 feet through the air before tumbling to a stop in the grass. You look around and see Bobby yelling at Jake. "...could've killed her! You're lucky I was here or she would be gone! Poof!" Jake cowered down and you struggled to get on your feet. You surveyed the damage. The thickest and heaviest part of the tree had fallen right where you were only moments before. The tree lay crippled, twisted, and gray. You looked at Jake and Bobby. Jake looked like he was about to wet himself and Bobby looked like he was going to turn into the Hulk any second now. You walked the 20 back to them and Bobby swiftly wrapped you in a tight protective hug. "I thought I'd lost you." He mumbled into your hair. You hugged him tightly. "So you pushed me out of the way?" You feel him nod yes.
  10. You let him go and look around for Jake, but don't see him. "˜He must have gone inside' you think to yourself. You leave Bobby to clean up the mess and go back inside the house. It's very quiet. You look in the kitchen, living room, and Jake's room, but don't find him anywhere. "˜Where the heck would he be?' you sit on his bed and think a little bit, and after looking around his room a little bit you have an idea of where he went. You push off his bed and run to the stairs, tromping up two flights of stairs. You reach the top, huffing and puffing like the big bad wolf. You get your breath back and continue walking, slowly pushing open doors that squeal like they haven't been opened in decades. The floor boards squeak like they haven't been walked on in centuries. You reach the end of the hallway. A big cherry wood door with odd engravings on it stood like a sentry guarding a priceless treasure. You turn the old, rusted handle that lets out a bloodcurdling scream. You wince and proceed inside. The lighting looks 18th century. You've walked into The Library. The ceiling is 3 stories high, and the bookshelves stretch from floor to ceiling! You walk to the center where there's a rich looking Persian rug and stand in the middle of it. You turn in a 360 degree circle then look up in awe. The ceiling is painted as the night sky with every constellation. You stand there for a few more moments, memorizing every detail of the magnificent library. Walking towards the back, you strain your ears for the slightest noise and, close to the back, you hear what your listening for.
  11. The faint, quiet sobbing of a teenaged boy. You walk silently towards the sound. There he is, sitting on a well-worn brown beanbag, bent over with his head in his hands. You continue approaching him and stop a few feet away. You kneel down in front of him and gently place a hand on his knee. A small gasp escapes his soft lips as his brown haired head jerked up. His cheeks were tear stained and his normally clear brown eyes were now clouded over and red rimmed. He's terror filled eyes searched yours franticly. When he saw no anger he slowly reached his arms towards you, hesitated, then started to pull back. You tackled him in a hug, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck as you two fell back on the plush beanbag. He held you in his arms (if you like him, if not, he let go). You pushed back up and sat by him on the beanbag. He looked at you intently. "So... so you're NOT mad at me?" "No! No Jake of course not! It was my own stupid fault that I wasn't watching the tree." He lets out a short laugh and looks at his hands. You kiss him on the cheek and get up, holding out a hand to help him up. "I'm hungry. Would you like to have a snack picnic with me?" He asks, still holding your hand. You beam a smile at him. "I would love to!" His smile lights up his face. "Great! I'll go pack if you want to change. You nod vigorously and sprint down stairs and don't stop until you slam the door behind you to your walk in closet.
  12. You throw on your clothes and toss your old ones into a corner. A fist rapts on your door as you're pulling on your shoes. "Come in!" Jake walks in with a wide smile and a picnic basket. He strides across the room and tenderly helps you up by the hand. You smile as he affectionately and tenderly kisses the back of your hand. "Hello beautiful." He greets like a true gentleman. You blush as he leads you down the stairs and out the back door. He was gushing with excitement. "I know this GREAT place for picnics seriously you are gonna love it." Even if you don't like him, you have to admit he's so cute. You walk through the woods for about 20 minutes before you come to a clearing. Its circular and surrounded by trees 270 degrees and the other 90 degrees is a lake front with a roaring waterfall close enough to hear but not close enough to disrupt conversations.
  13. He lets go of your hand to set up the plaid red blanket on the shore. You go over and sit down on it as the waves gently lip at the edge of the blanket. He gets out a grass green plate and puts a turkey sandwich on it and hands it to you. You thank him and dig in once he gets his sandwich. After you two finish silent lunch he pulls out homemade brownies and hands one to you. "I made these this morning." He grins at you as you take a huge bite. You chew the soft gooey piece of heaven and swallow. "This... this is... this is AMAZING!" You stuff the entire rest of the brownie into your mouth as Jake bursts into laughter. "No um surius. Es su gut!" You say around the brownie and Jake is laughing so hard he's hugging his sides. After the brownie settles in your stomach you and Jake pack up and head back (holding hands if you like him). He opens the door for you. You tip your head in thanks and go to the kitchen to wash your hands, but you slam straight into Marcus. His right hand grabs yours and his left arms anchors around your lower back. It all happened so fast. It looked like at the end of the dance when the guy dips the girl. "Are you ready for our date?" He whispers, his face centimeters from yours. You slowly nod your head.
  14. **FAST FORWARDS** Marcus parks his super duper awesome sports car and quickly gets out to open your door for you, taking your hand to help you out. You walk up to the restaurant (Your favorite) and he opens that door for you too. You blush as he takes your hand and leads you up the stairs to the balcony that overlooks a lake. The surface is like a mirror; everything an exact replica of what's above it. He sits you down so you're facing the water and he takes the seat across from you. You suck in a breath. "What?" He asks concerned, following your line of sight behind him. "What is it what's wrong?" He looks back at you with clear unrest. "I have the best view in the world." You weren't sure, but you could've sworn you saw him blush. The waiter came and asked if he could get you some drinks or appetizers, but he was mainly talking to you. You and Marcus order water and decide you're ready for the main course as well, so you order _______ and he orders "˜same as the lady'. You blush and duck your head, tracing the table cloth design with your finger. When the waiter walks away Marcus sighs and covers your hand with his. Turning your hand to hold his, you shoot him a smile. You two talk of your life before this: friends, family, relationships, pets, favorite homes, that sort of thing. Turns out he had a girlfriend, but she cheated on him for the football captain and it ripped his heart in two. You squeezed his hand and pulled yours back as a scowling waiter plunked your food of choice in front of you guys. Marcus shot him a smirk as you waved him away. You eat, chat, and laugh for the rest of the evening. Afterwards he takes you down to the lake to watch the sun set. The rays kiss the clouds, making them blush a rosy pink. The water turned a golden orange as the sun slowly sunk beneath its surface. As soon as the sun dipped under, the restaurant behind you exploded in purple-red flames.
  15. CLIFF and HANGER!! yes im awful i know :) let me know if you liked it and how i can make it better :) later gater!

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