Extreme Pee Quiz | Comments

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  • I was cheating! I wasnt doing anything.

  • When I was doing this quiz in my room one day my I decided to go to the mall after and by then, I had to pee really badly and I decided I would go to pee in a toilet in the hall .But when I arrived, I understood that the bathroom and the toilet were are still under repair and the the guy who was repairing the malls bathroom said it would be done in a few hours. After 50 minutes I had to pee so badly but I didn't not piss in the other stores because they were sooo crowded, closed, or there wasn't a bathroom..After another 20 minutes I was desperate to pee!! If I do not go soon, I'll explode .Then I asked the store employee where to go to the toilet right now. He told me about a toilet on the fourth floor of the building.Then I went straight out of the store, slowly walking to the nearest elevator bc it was pretty far away, leaking, squirting, BURSTING. Then for the first time in my life I was so close to pissing, where was a small wet spot on my pants and I was leaking, squirting every now and then!. My body was getting sore from me holding it in and my bladder WAS IN SO MUCH PAIN. And I kept thinking about how much I need to pee, I couldn't stop moving around everywhere!! My hands were locked on my crotch, and I crossed my legs without stopping and I did not know how much I could stand. I've been hold my pee for more than 40 minutes trying to slowly find the bathroom in the mall. Stoping every now and then to feel a hot stream in my pants.. These were the longest and most torturing minutes in my life. I wanted to pee sooo bad. My bladder would burst and I could not hold on any longer. Then I felt I started to piss and a puddle began to form under me. That feeling was indescribable and so relaxing. I hid in a small corner near a closed store where nobody was at and let it continue to flow.. My black leggings hid the wetness but the smell was awful. I walked to my car, sat down.. Then peed more!!

    Then accidentally pushed too hard and shat myself..

    • I had to go and was holding my d--- so much. It was uncomfortable asf. I Was leaking so bad and before I go to the bathroom I'm writing this.. I was holding my pee in so much I let a few burst out. It was uncontrollable at this point squeezing squirming shaking holding all the stuff I was gonna cry cuz I can't move or ill pee and the bathroom wasn't even close the warm pee RN is trying so hard not to come out ill update u if I make it to the bathroom I made it had to go in a cup over the sink I was flowing so much my panttz were half wet but uh might do it in the mornin byee

  • So I was alone at home and tried to do this bc I had to pee and I drank a lot. Every question I squirted, leaked, or peed a lot. I put diapers on before this and at the end there was my bulging diaper and a massive puddle was under me. Later I tried again with my gf (Im les) and we both wore diapers and as we did it she filled her diaper and a bit overflowed and mine was a massive overflow (we both drank the same amount of water) and after that we got cleaned and drank MOREE water till we were both bursting and made out. (We peed on each other) now I am typing this with a diaper on that is bulging bc I tried this quiz again... I kinda had to s--- too when doing this so there is a bit of poop in my diaper... lol.. still rlly have to s--- tho...

  • I did this with my friends Katie and Lily, Lily is spurting right now, Katie has a bladder of steel and is only dribbling, I have spurted quite a bit and am holding crotch, potty dancing, jigging, jumping, doing something that somewhat looks like twerking, anything to hold it in!

  • As a result, "Gotta go huh?" I dribbled so many times, eventually the bladder was huge and I couldnt stand up as much as it hurt.

  • Heres my story so once I was in eighth grade and it was math class and before that was lunch and after lunch I said its fine I only have to go to the bathroom a little but the then like 15 minutes later when Im in the first bit of math class I really have to Pee when I asked the teacher can I use the bathroom she says no you can go after and there is still an hour left of math class and I had to really pee like I mean like all the sudden P your pants in front of everyone Pee thats how bad I had to pee One math class was finally over I remembered I had to do a presentation and it was in two minutes before I had to go but then all the sudden when I was in the middle of my presentation and I peed my pants everyone was staring and laughing I was so embarrassed true story.

    Cute cat 123
    • I feel sorry for u i had a story like that where i couldnt pee for the whole school day i need to pee since 2nd period (Atound 10 Oclock am) And didnt get to pee until 4 oclock pm it was torture

  • I have a pee holding kink so I thought this would be fun. I already has to go and by the first question was already holding my bladder. When it got to the naked part I was jumping and crossing my legs trying to get my clothes off, and so much came out. But, I consider myself to have a strong bladder, and a big one at that, so since I still had a kit of pee left I kept going. By the last final questions I was on the floor half crying because of the pain. But it was good pain. I was able to grab a towel and bunch it up just in time because tonight when I lifted my hand to but the bunched up towel under me, the floodgates opened and my pee went all over the place. My shirt got soaked (I wasnt wearing anything at the bottom) and I had to clean and spay everything in my room. It was fun tho, and I might try it again on a full bladder

  • I peed

  • Aargh Seungmin is in the bathroom showering (he always takes super long and we only have one bathroom in the dorms, which is just stupid with 6 people) and i feel like i'm gonna explode!

  • I was going to pick up my wife from work. Had to pee and couldn't make it to a gas station. Pulled to the side of the road and as soon as I got out of the truck, my stream started and I could not stop it. The inside of my jeans leg was totally soaked from my crouch to my shoe. Nothing I could do but continue on to pick up the wife.

    • I like how you said THE wife

  • I did this when i woke up. I was already busting for a toilet but my friends wouldnt let me they made me do this quiz and when i went to school they still wouldnt let me. then they locked the bathrooms and i had to hold it all day. when i finially got home i couldnt move and a crawled all the way to the door. the bathroom was upstairs so i crawled all the way up. but my brother wouldnt let me in the bathroom and i waited and waited and i finially made it in a peed for 30 mins.

  • I did this at my trailer because there is a river nearby. I drank 2.8 liters of water and it had been 2 hours since I used the bathroom and my bladder was bulging and filled with pee so I changed into tight shorts and felt the urge to pee get really extreme as I buttoned up my tight shorts but didn't wet myself so I grabbed my beach towel and walked to the private beach and I brought a massage gun and layed down on the sand and unzipped my tight shorts and spread my legs wide and pushed the massage gun hard into my bladder and slowly turned it up to full power and 3 minutes of full power and gigantic spurts later I moaned and started losing all control of my bladder and the stream was small at first but got bigger as I kept pushing the massage gun hard into my bladder.

  • So I took this test because i thought no one was home but my mom friend daughter was there I had forgot she was sleeping over.And while I was taking the test I had to pee really bad.I was on the question where to pour warm water in your under wear and at that moment I had to go really bad.I needed to go so bad I started moaning in pain.Btw we are gonna call my mom friend daughter nataly.So nataly had heated me and came in to see if I was ok.She had seen me I was so embarrassed.She said she wouldnt tell anyone if I was her slave for a year.I said yes not thinking,and I really regret it.She first made me take my clothes off and started spanking me telling me I was a bad girl and needed to be punished.She than called all her friends over,and my crush was one of her friends.we are going to call him Nathan.So Nathan saw me and all her friends they started laughing at me.It was so embarrassing I started crying.So than Nathan put a duper on me and told me to wear it to school for a whole month but nataly didnt think that was enough so she added 4 months.So everyday for 4 months I have now been going to school with a dipper and they have been changing me everytimed I peed or pooped myself.I have now got an addiction so I kept doing it 5 times a day one time the bathrooms weee closed so they changed me in front of everyone,I had pooped everywhere and everyone was recording me.Everyone in my grade started treating me like a baby.And now my whole neighborhood knows.And that day I got home my parents have figured it out too cuz everyone recorded me.I am now not allowed to wear clothes in the house everyday I have to sit in the front yard naked.I am now know as the big baby.And my new job is staying in a hanging wedgie for 5 hours in the front yard pee and poop in my diaper and eat it and take this quiz daily this is my new

    Life now

    • dude thats child abuse, literally, the police wouldve taken the vid down and childline woulve rescued u u sure this isnt fake lmao


  • Wow great quiz by the way when i was 4 i was laying on the couch and I was watching TV and I had to pee really badly. I'm used to asking my mom to pee or poop first before actually going to the bathroom. my mom got up from the computer and walked to the bathroom. A few seconds later, I sat on the toilet and did not have enough time to pull my pants and undies down and I wet myself XD btw I have a poll for y'all at: [no urls]

    Minty animations
  • I usually do really well with these quizzes! I thought i was doing pretty well, when i finished the quiz and used the restroom..MY UNDERWARE WAS SOAKING! i didn't realise it becasue my pants were dry..so yeaaah.. i peed my pants ig?

  • I was so bored at home so I did this cause I needed to pee so I did it and I peed myself at the start kept peeing more, more and more! I am still peeing

  • So what happened to me was I was doing this with my boyfriend as a trust exercise and we had to strip naked and I made it with a few drops in my undies but he litterly has the hugest bladder ever and ended up spurting SOOOOOO much. At the end we both had to go SO SO SO SO bad and we both raced to the toilet and I let him go first cause he has a huge bladder and BAM he to soooo long. So then I was like HURRY UP I was doing the potty dance holding my crotch and dribbling like every 5 seconds. He laughed at me cause I looked like a fool dancing around naked holding my crotch so he took extra long and then I was full on dancing dancing dancing and finally he was done and he stood in the corner of the room so I could have a nice long pee, the longest pee I have ever ever had and then I was done so he guided me out cause I was shivering so freinkibg much and then we hung out together. With our clothes on

  • I pushed on my bladder for two minutes but I was able to hold it in but my bladder is extremely full and bulging

  • Sleepover! (Me {I'm Ivy}, Mi, and Emma) So we each did this wearing no underwear and only pure black pants. "Oh my God I can't make it any longer." Emma said and she spurted. "Emma, girl, it's not that hard!" I said, laughing. I didn't even need to pee. "Girl, we call you Poisonivy for a reason!" Mi laughed. "Oh jeez I'm about to wet myself." Mi said, turning red. "Well hold on and you can go to the bathroom after we're done." I said. Emma totally soaked Mi's floor because she was standing and thank god me and Mi were on the bed! So then Mi started yelling at Emma and you could see Mi was spurting and eventually she gave up and peed all over Emma's pants. I was laughing. Me has steel bladder and I need not even need to pee! I went to the bathroom before I went to bed though (I always do) and then we went to sleep after we cleaned up the floor. I SLEPT IN A SEPERATE BED I WAS AFRAID OF GETTING PEED ON LOLLL.

    • Cool

  • This was pretty meh to me because,I always hold my pee on long car trips.Tt was hard for me.I did pee and almost wet my hole bed up.

    Yep I do this
  • god i had to put my hand over my "hot dog" to stop the flow. the second i put the water in my pants by 20 sec i was going. my under pants were white and it showed perfectly. i did it with my gf (Were strange i know) i cheated and tickled her and sh let loose all over my hand

    Sidlee M
  • i did this quiz on a full bladder. i mean a FULL BLADDER. i started this quiz by spurting and halfway peeing, on every question i peed like a liter. i still had so much left. on the last question, i peed almost half of it in the toilet, and then i still had so much left i had to leave right away and i was dancing and holding my crotch and i asked for a bathroom at the mall, where we had to go. my mom looked and saw how bad i had to pee but there was no bathroom that worked well, except one. but the line was like curving around the restaurant. after 2 seconds, i started to spurt uncontrollably. i peed as soon as i was first in line :)

    • thats so f---ing hot

  • So I was in the car with my friends. We were going to Cale Cod. I was it the back. Then I started to have to pee. I took the test. I had diapers for my friends baby. I quickly put one on and took the quiz. As soon a I got to the second question I peed all over the diaper.

  • So I was just in my room when I felt the urge to pee I just decided to forget about it but then the urge became unbearable. I then decided to take this quiz and by the 5th question I was soaked.

  • This quiz was so lame. i didnt pee at all. So boring. I was bored so I tried this quiz. It disappointed me I thought it would be a challenge.


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