Extreme Pee Quiz | Comments

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  • i finished the quiz but i started to do excercise to see how long i could hold the pee y started the excercise and i started to leak so i put my hand to try to stop the leak and y go the faster i could to the bathroom and when i took my hand off my blader to take off my pants and undewear and my blader didnĀ“t last even a second before bursting in pee all over the floor,walls and my own cloth (if you wonder why the wall is because i,m a boy).

    just for fun3
  • I took this quiz while at a medium sized bladder. I started spurting REALLY BAD at like 15-16 mark

    In the end...... I am still very much squirming and trying my best not to pee myself typing this

  • I did this quiz again with my 4 friends, Emma, Emily, Anya and Louise.

    This is the first time Louise has ever done a quiz like this, so she peed at question 3! The next question, when we took off our clothes, Anya peed (she has tiny bladder). On question 7, Emily peed when Anya tickle attacked her. Me and Emma made it to the end, so the others made up challenges for us. The first challenge was to do the splits. We both did it without peeing completely, but let out quite a lot. The next challenge was to drink a WHOLE bottle of water. Emma forfeited and the forfeit challenge she chose was for Louise to press her bladder as hard as she could. Emma let a lot out at that question. The next challenge was to go outside (we had grey leggings on) and do the rest of their challenges out there. The next challenge was to do the splits while pressing on our bladders and Emma let loose! She couldn't take it! Then I tried to run to the toilet, but Emma grabbed my foot, Anya pinned one arm, Louise pinned the other arm, Emma spread my legs into the splits and Emily sat on me, gently tickling my abdominal area/legs until she got bored and tickled me and I completely peed!

  • My friend Emma and I did this quiz and I was super desperate by the end, leaking and spurting uncontrollably. After the quiz Emma made me do the splits and I completely peed. She tried to run to the bathroom after but *still peeing* I grabbed her ankle, spread her legs into the splits and the peed everywhere!

  • i leaked so so so so so many times..i really gotta pee..should i pee myself or no?

  • Easy i an the master!
    I Don't pee myself!

  • I was doing this quiz with my friends, Emma, Anya and Emily and we thought it would be easy. Well it wasn't. Emily literally peed at question 1, no joke. At question 6 Anya spurted and Emily's puddle got bigger. By question 8 me and Emma were really desperate, and Anya completely wet herself. Me and Emma peed just after the quiz finished, but I let Emma go to the toilet, so I peed on the floor while Emma had the luxury of using the toilet, the lucky sucker.

  • I have already done this before but was doing this with my friends. Everyone needed to pee so bad before we started but i cant explain how bad i needed to pee i had hsd a load of lucozade and fanta before and i needed it SO bad my bestie also needed it rlly bad i could tellbut she didnt say anything. oh btw there nanes were lily (My bestie), sophie, lola and jasmine. I spurted atleast on every question. Jasmine peed herself first then lily. i had no jdea howbi was still holdibg it hurt sok bad and the bukge was massive i was literalky almost crying. I did a massive stream but stopped i tried ti run to the toilet but they didnt let me sophie and lola peed there self at the same tjme and i had won. But there was a twist. whoever wkn was not allowed to pee for anotger 45mins. They said i had ti have a full bottke of lucozade and coukdnt pee fod 45mins. I am 40Mins thru and have peed soo much but im not allowdd ti move. In holding myself and figiting so much. I have peed alot but i still have some left thats how bad i need it. Finally i can go but u cabt move withhout peeing. I am stresing every few seconds byt there is dtill moreleft i cant hold it anymore. Im peeing it feels so good!! I oeed fir a whole 4mins. Tgat was torture!! I was suprised i had more left i peed so much during all of that

  • So in this quiz I was doing the cup in my panties and I leaked a few drops, and I think that sent a false message of relief to my brain, so I peed alll of it out. God now I still have to pee. Well hello golden river.

  • I did this quiz with a full bladder but I wear diapers 24/7/365. I skipped question 6 because I didnt want to take off my diaper and its a good thing too because by question 8 I was peeing uncontrollably and by the end of the quiz my diaper was leaking everywhere and I was still peeing

  • i did his quiz while rlly needing to pee but somehow passed, but then i went to bed and woke up in the morning to find myself lying amongst the biggest wet spot i've probably ever seen. Anyway I changed my sheets nd hoped against hope my mom or dad wouldnt smell it or see it or somehow know i wet the bed. So i figured all of the pee was out of me already and put GREY LEGGINGS on, then got on the bus nd went to skl. We had an assignmnt due at the end of my 4th lesson but my belly felt a bit weird so i was like umm ok? anyway i went up to the desk and handed in my assignment and then heard a faint dripping noise, and everything went rlly warm and weird and my belly was gradually not feeling as weird but bcz i am stupid i didnt realise what was happening so i just thought it was raining and everything. baring in mind my entire class was staring and some laughing at me i have no clue how i didnt notice. i also dont know how i didnt feel it coming out, is that a sign of some condition or something? anyway i got back on the bus to come home and dropped my bus ticket and even then i was getting tons of weird looks from everyone and a little kindergartener even said 'mommy i thin she needs a diaper again' and i was like dude excuse me but yeah i bent down to pick up my ticket and saw my leggings were a darker grey than usual, and then it hit me - in 4th period i felt weird because i had WET MYSELF. THATS WHY EVERYONE WAS STARING AND LAUGHNG AND SOME RECORDING, BECAUSE I HAD WET MYSELF.i just did not make eye contact to anyone on the ride home and when i got in the house my mom was standing waiting for me with a soaked sheet in her hand - she'd found it in the washing. that was last week and my mom makes me wear diapers every night and then she found a video on youtube of me walking around in my own pee like the clueless idiot i am and now i have to wear diapers to skl as well and its rlly visible and i am so embarrassed :( i figured i could just wear a skirt to hide most of

  • I tried this with my best friend, Corinne. By question 8 we were dying. At the end she tried running to the bathroom but I grabbed her legs s but to close to her bladder and she leaked and we were laughing so hard. She then was laughing and crying at the same time bc she couldnt move she had to go so bad. We hugged each other and laughed at the same time and she had to go WAY more than I did so when I helped her stand up she peed all over me which made me pee

  • This quiz brand back a painful memory when I was a child (Im not sure if u wanna hear it but here I go), Our school used to get a LOTT of bomb threats and they were always a prank. One day, I was sitting at my desk and the urge to pee came up. It was pretty bad but i said to myself, hey, I can hold it, this is an important lesson anyway. BUT BOY, THAT WAS THE WORST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE. There was a ring at the phone, and my teacher came over to pick it up. She got this serious look on her face then hanged up and said, ok class I want you to get up and go to the left side of the classroom. We did as she said, and she turned off the lights. She whispered to us to stay quiet and sit there. I was like, FRICK, I GOTTA PEE BAD but I stayed there. 4 HOURS PASSED, AND WE WERE STILL THERE. At this point I had to go so bad, I felt like I was dead. I tried figiting, holding my crotch, potty dancing, squirming, squeezing, you name it. But nothing could help hold back the floodgates. Soon after, three big, burly men burst in with guns and yelling PUT YOUR HANDS UP OR DIE, With trembling hands, I put them up, and felt like I was gonna pee myself. We got evacuated, and almost everyone was limping, like they had to pee bad too. We then were ordered to walk over to a rec center not far from the school. Everyone with me was limping, and when we got there, my poor swollen bladder was threatening to release itself all over the floor in front of everyone. I raced the other girls to the bathroom, And when it was FINALLY my turn, I felt like heaven was dumped on me. Thanks for reading! (Comment if you had to pee while reading this )

  • I had a full bladder and thought it would be easy then when I took of my cloths and put only my panties on I started to end it by the end of the quiz I was soaked in warm bliss and sat in it for 20 minutes then started playing with myself and passed all over my hands

  • I decided to do this quiz after already being desperate. I did the quiz got pretty wet. I hadn't peed everything so was still pretty desperate. I decided to go to sleep as it was already 1am. I was going to see how long I lasted. I woke up in the morning to a big wet spot on my pants and a wet spot about as big as a A4 notebook on my bed. I realise i still needed to pee so badly though. My bladder felt solid and everytime I tried to get up i spurted. I ended up peeing my pants on the way to the bathroom bc i felt it come and it felt so good as I was so desperate.

  • Ok I peed huge river on the floor I there's poo In me pants as big as a grapefruit

  • i was doing this in the bathroom alone i had to stifle my desperation moans due to roommates but it felt so so sooooo good i was grinding on a pillow omg it felt sooooo tingly down there i could NOT stop leaking and moaning everytime oh my godddd i have to go again RIGHT NOW i shoved my hand down there but i dont think its enough UGH pissing all over my hand its sooooo good ughhh im so wet and warm this feels so good to just let go omg im moaning so loud uh its so good

  • i dippeld ALOUT like i had to go so bad

    keira white
  • ahhh

  • Always whenever there's one that says, "relax your bladder," I pee immediatley.

  • I literally lost on the second question. My shorts are soaked and I made a puddle on the floor.

    • (My parents don't know I'm doing this quiz btw it's 11:40 pm and they r asleep)

    • Oh, and afterwards I realized I still had to go so I just went and it started to run down my legs..:o

  • I had done 2 pee quizzes b4 this and was spurting already. On every question I peed a load I thought I was empty on the relaxing question bc I'd peed so much b4 that. I relaxed and peed and peed and peed I absolutely wet myself it felt so good but I was punished :(

  • im did this today cuz i im sick and im staying home. i have a really strong bladder so i drank 7 cups of water and waited 2 hours. by then i was literally about to burst and then i did this quiz.on question 4 i was holding my crotch SO TIGHT. my hands were stuck in my crotch, i crossed my legs jumping around doing the pee pee dance. then i couldnt move my hand from my crotch or else i will PEE SO VIOLENTLY. my couisin come in my room and saw me holding so tight and asked "do u need to pee girlie?" i screamed at the top of my lungs YES REALLY REALY BAD. shes so caring and carried me ALMOST TO THE BATHROOM when i started to leak i told her to put me down. and since i am sick i coughed from screaming. i had to move my hand from my cough and cover my mouth. that was the moment, I PEED. i peed for 3 minutes strait so hard.after peeing i have NEVER FELT SO GOOD IN MY LIFE. i felt so bad and she gave me a hug after.

  • My five close friends drank a LOT of water and did this quiz while wearing diapers. One of my friends lost it at question two. (She has a tiny bladder and all that water did her in). On question six I let out a massive squirt in my diaper. I leaked a little on every following question. Another friend lost his urine on question 17. The rest of us are still holding on! Onto another quiz! Loved your quiz thanks!

    Son of Pan
  • I got 87 and i was completely bursting HELP im about to pee myself


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