Elemental Love part 7

Hello people of Earth! Welcome back to a new part of Elemental Love, where there is action, heart-break, Elemental powers and of course: LOVE! If you don't remeber what happened last time, allow me to jog your memory. King Jose hosted a feast in you and the guys honor. When all of the sudden you shouted "Everybody get down now!" Lets see what happens next. But really fast I forgot to tell you guys this and that is my fault. When it says L. of D. that means the King of Darkness. Sorry if that confused you guys. If any of you figured that out more power to you.

I apoligize for this quiz not getting out as soon as I wanted it too. I just want to thank all of you who have supported me this far. I hope the story is living up to your expectations. I love reading your comments so please leave them! I will get the next one out as soon as I can. But for now please enjoy the story!

Created by: _celloplayer_
  1. "EVERYONE GET DOWN NOW!" you shouted. You brought your hands up, creating a dome around the room. An explosion shook the room and broke through your barrier. People started repelling down into the room. Regan grabbed you and pulled you out of harm's way. A chunk of ceiling hit the place right where you were standing. People dressed in black were everywhere. "There she is!" someone shouted. "Get her!" someone else shouted. "Remember the boss wants her alive and unharmed if possible!" yet another person shouted. About 4 people rushed at you. Regan created a wall of fire stopping them in their tracks and burning 2 of them to a crisp. He yanked a sword off the wall and kissed you quickly. "Stay here," he said and plunged into the fray, burning people and slicing anyone who came close. You quickly spotted Tim, Jake, Randy, Rob, Sean and Sarah each fighting. All of them were using their powers along with their fighting skills. People were screaming and running away. "GGGGGAAAAAAA!" you heard from above you. You looked up and blew a guy who was coming at you upward and then picked him up in a vine and threw him into a wall, knocking him unconscious. You yanked a sword off the wall opened the Earth under a group of (I'm just going to call them ninjas. I like ninjas.) Ninjas who were going after guests. You quickly closed the Earth back up and ran to join the fight. You locked swords with a ninja and fought with her for a minute before you killed her. Your mind went into fight mode. Half your mind was focused on whoever was in front of you and the other half was using your powers, either on the person in front of you or wherever your powers were need. After a while you found yourself panting back to back with your brother and sister with ninjas circling you guys. "For our family?" Jake asked breathless. "For our family," you and Sarah agreed. With a battle cry the three of you attacked. Your mind went back into fight mode. You seemed to see everything at once. You don't know how long the fight had been going on, but the ninjas just kept coming. Your mind would go in and out of fight mode, and you would find yourself fighting next to Regan or Randy or Sean or Tim. Once you even found yourself by Kygo and his guards.
  2. One time when your mind came out of fight mode you found yourself back to back with Rob. "_____! What are you doing here?! *Grunt* You could get hurt! Get to safety!" he said. "Rob you've known me *Grunt* for 2 years now and you expect me to stand by while my friends and family fight? No way Jose (no pun intended)" you replied. "I know I just don't want to see you get hurt!" "I'm not going to get hurt!" "But accidents happen!" "Yeah but nobody's getting inside my guard!" "Still accidents happen and sometimes can't be fixed!" He killed the girl he was fighting with and turned to you. You did the same. "Look, _______, this may not be the best time to tell you, but I love you," he told you with eyes full of his undying love for you. He killed a ninja who was coming up behind him without looking. "I love you too, but our lives are too complicated right now," you replied. You brought your elbow up and a ninja ran into it. "Maybe after all this is over we can be together." "I hope and if that's all you can promise me right now, I'll take it. Even if it is just a "˜maybe'. Duck." You ducked and he sliced a ninjas' head off. As you stood back up he said "If I can't have you now, I'll just give you a taste of how much I love you." He then put a hand on your back and pulled you into him and kissed you hard and passionately. When he let you go you were a little dazed and breathless. But it didn't last long. Your mind quickly went back into fight mode again.
  3. Suddenly there was no one left to fight. Panting you looked around. The scene you saw is what you would've seen after a bloody battle. Dead bodies littered the floor and the wounded moaned. In between the ninja's dead bodies you saw a few guards and one master who were wounded. These men were being tended to by their fellow guards. You spotted your sister and Kygo embracing and Jake was panting, bleeding from a cut under his eye. Sean, Randy, and Rob were walking among the dead looking for any survivors. Tim and Regan were herding the guests out of the doors. King Jose was staring in shock at the scene before him. Suddenly you heard a guard shout "Hey!" You turned to the sound and saw a Ninja holding a dagger to the queen's throat. Immediately guards started toward them. "Stop! Don't come any closer or I'll kill her!" the Ninja shouted. "Drop your weapons!" Nobody did. "I mean it! I'll kill her!" he shouted. Queen Isra whimpered. Reluctantly everyone dropped swords and daggers. The Ninja started moving toward the door and shouted "Nobody pull any funny tricks. That means you, you Elementals!" Everyone was looking at one another thinking what do we do. You saw Kygo and King Jose's eyes full of fear. "˜I can't let him get away or kill her.' You thought to yourself. "˜But I have to surprise him so he won't hurt the queen.' Suddenly an idea popped into your head. "Stop!" you shouted. The ninja looked at you. "I'm the one your boss wants, not the queen. So you let her go and take me instead." "________! No!" Rob shouted. You held up your hand to quiet him. "You're right. He does want you," the Ninja said. Then to himself he said "and if I bring her back than I'll be rewarded. Maybe even promoted." Louder he said "Alright I'll accept your deal and let the queen go." You nodded and walked toward him, stepping over dead bodies. He did the same pushing the queen in front of him. When you were about ten feet apart you stopped. He tightened his hold on the queen. "You come to me," he hissed. You shrugged and replied, "Like they say at Burger King, "˜Have it your way'". You fire traveled, landing behind him silently. "Hey where'd she go?!" the Ninja shouted. You tapped his shoulder. When he turned around and saw you his eyes filled up with terror. You waved. "Hi," you said. Then you punched him in the nose, breaking it and knocking him out. He and his dagger clattered to the floor. The queen looked at him then you then him and then you. Then... she fainted. You caught her and kneeled down; supporting her you fanned her face. King Jose and Kygo ran up and kneeled down too. "Thank you," they said over and over again. "You're welcome," you replied than squeezed Kygo's shoulder before standing up to your own guys.
  4. You hugged each of them and reassured them that you were okay. After that a voice rang through the room. "Good job everyone. It's not easy to defend an attack form the K. of D.," the voice said. It was a woman's voice and everyone one started looking for the source of it. Suddenly the air next to one of the windows started simmering and a golden staircase was formed. A women in a white dress started walking down them becoming more solid with each step. When she reached the bottom she was fully formed. She was tall and had paleish skin. Her hair was golden and cascaded down her back. Topping her hair was a thin gold ringlet. She wore no jewelry. Her dress was Greek-like with a gold chain around her waist. She gave off a very faint glow that created a haze around her. "Nia," Randy breathed. Simultaneously everyone in the room hit their knees and bowed their heads to the ground. "Stand," Nia said walking toward you and the guys. "Hello _______," she greeted you with a smile. "Hello Nia," you replied. She embraced you and you did the same. When she stepped back she put her hands on your arms and looked you in the eyes. "We don't have much time so I'll get to the point. A messenger is on her way to report what happened to the K. of D. When he hears the news he won't be happy and turn his anger onto you. I saw the first attack and I want to help as much as I can." "Can you take the part of him that's in me out of me?" you asked hopefully. "Oh I wish I could, _______. But that is something that only you can do and you must find out how to do that yourself. What I can do is give you some relief. There's a spell that when it is chanted at a person in pain, it takes away some of the pain and transfers it into the person saying the chant." She turned to the guys. "Do you want to help _______?" she asked. Without hesitation they nodded. "Then here's the spell: Aserafth (As-er-af-t) espion (ep-si-on) snyn (sin) tosh (to-sh)." They repeated it back to her. "Good now when you say that spell some of the pain that the K. of D. is inflicting on _________, will be taken out of her and put it into you. But you can't stop saying the spell otherwise the pain just returns to _______. Understand?" The guys nodded. Nia turned back to you. "You have been so brave," she told you tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. "Just keep it up and don't forget about all the support these guys and your family is giving you. I know this is hard but you just have to push through it." She kissed your forehead. "I have to go," she said. "We'll talk later." She stepped back toward the window and waved to the room. "Goodbye everyone! Keep up the good work. Jose get Isra some water that'll help. Kygo take care of Sarah, (Kygo and Sarah blushed) Jake, a bandage and some disinfectant cream will take care of that cut. Boys stay close to ______ and don't let her fall. Everyone else don't ever let the dark take over your mind. Just stay true to yourself!" As she was saying this she was fading out of sight. "______! Remember to keep your friends close and your enemy's closer. Try and use the power against him!" With that she faded out of sight. Then her voice rang through the room. "You have about 2:00 minutes until he attacks." And then she was gone. You looked at the guys and the guys looked at you. You looked over at Jake, Sarah and Kygo who had moved back over to her while Nia was there. Locking eyes with them you said quietly "If you want to see how strong the K. of D. is and how much power he has over me than you'd better keep up." Without another word you and the guys took off toward your room. Jake, Sarah and Kygo followed quickly after.
  5. As you were running you could feel a sense of foreboding. Fear rose in your chest but you fought it back down. You knew that you wouldn't make it to your room in time. You stopped running and looked at Regan. All you said was "Fire travel to my room. Now." With that you grabbed Jake's and Tim's hands. Regan snagged up Sarah's and Rob's. (Try and keep up on this next part) Kygo had Sarah who had Regan who had Rob who had Sean who had Randy who had Tim who had you and you had Jake who had Kygo. (Get it? Got it? Good. Moving on.) You traveled to your room and as soon as you landed and released hands you gasped and stumbled backwards into you bed. You vaguely remember being lifted onto it as the K. of D's voice whispered through your head. "I hope you're ready for some of the worst pain that you will ever feel." Then a wave of pain crashed onto you. You started screaming a blood curdling scream as your back arched up off of the bed. As one the guys started chanting the spell Nia gave them. "Aserafth espion snyn tosh, Aserafth espion snyn tosh," they chanted getting louder as the pain was transferred. You felt the pain lifted a tiny bit, however it was still as strong as ever. Even with the guys helping this pain is 20 times worse as the first time. You were in so much pain you couldn't even cry. After a very long time your tears finally broke through the pain and started pouring down your face. You stopped screaming and started shouting "KILL ME! PLEASE! KILL ME! I BEG FOR MERCY! PLEASE! PLEASE! KILL ME!" The K. of D's voice was in your mind again. "And where would the fun be in that?" he asked. A new wave of pain wrapped it's self around you. You went back to just screaming. Then you heard another voice join in the chanting. It tugged at your mind and somehow you knew it was your brother.
  6. You don't know how long the attack went on. The last thing you remember is the pain stopping, the K. of D. promising to do it again soon and seeing the guys and your brother on the floor panting. After that you passed out. *This is what happened after you passed out, now told in Jake's P.O.V.* I stopped chanting when I heard _____ stop screaming and the pain subsided. I looked up at my sister and saw she was out cold. Shakily I got to my feet and leaned against the wall. Rob and the others were panting like me but I could tell they were going to either a) pass out or b) stand up and walk it off. Just then Kygo peaked his head in the door. He sighed in relief and said to Sarah that the attack was done. I hadn't realized that they'd left. They walked in and by then Randy was standing, Tim was kneeling and looking at _____, Rob and Sean were out and Regan was lying on his back looking at the ceiling and mumbling to himself. I looked back at Sarah and saw her cheeks were still wet from tears. She didn't say anything as Kygo left and then quickly returned with the maid. She had blankets and pillows. Without a word Sarah took the pillows from her and placed one under Rob, Sean, and Regan's heads. The maid covered them with a blanket and also put one over ______. Sarah whispered to Tim who hadn't moved an inch since the attack finished. She got him to lie down and he got a pillow and a blanket. Kygo helped Randy to the floor and he also received a pillow and blanket. He then walked over to me but I shook my head and said I was fine. I had stopped panting and shaking. "Are you sure?" Kygo asked. "You're really pale." I nodded. "I didn't have the pain as long as they did. Just give me a minute and I'll be fine," I replied. Kygo gave me a worried look, but didn't say anything. The maid came over to us and she handed me a glass of water. I thanked her and sipped it. I immediately felt better. The maid then whispered in Kygo's ear and he nodded. He then whispered in Sarah's ear who was staring at our unconscious sister. She nodded and Kygo left. I put my water down and went over to my sisters. "I'm scared Jake," Sarah told me. "I wasn't scared before but after seeing that attack," she stopped and shook her head. I put an arm around her shoulders. "I know. I'm scared too. But all we can do is help ______ as much as we can and hope for the best. She's got the best protectors around and we have to trust that they'll keep her safe." I took her hand. "Come on. Let them sleep. Let's go see what we can do to help with clean up." She turned to me. "No," she said, "We're going to get that cut of yours fixed and then we'll go help clean up." She led me out of the room and I shut the door behind me.
  7. *Sarah's P.O.V.* I left Jake with one of the maids to tend to his cut. I started walking back to the dining room. My mind drifted as I walked. I could still hear the screams of my sister in pain. Screams that would haunt me for a long time to come. I heard the chanting of the boys "˜more men than boys actually,' I thought to myself. I shuddered as I saw ______'s face a moment before the attack. She had a look of pure horror. Not paying attention to where I was going, I relived the attack again. I saw ______ stumble back into the bed; the guys start chanting and hit their knees. I heard rise in volume as the pain was intensified. A few tears slipped out as I heard my sister screaming for mercy, for somebody to kill her. That was the last straw and when Kygo had to take me out. "˜I wish there was some way I could help her' I thought. "Sarah," I heard a voice say. I jumped. I brought my thoughts back to the present and saw that I had made it back to the dining room. Kygo was standing in front of me. I wiped the tears from my face and stood up straight. "Are you okay?" he asked taking my hand. I nodded. "How is your mother?" I questioned him. "She's fine," he assured me. "A little shaken, but fine." He led me into the room. The wounded had already been taking care of and now the guards and students were now carting the dead out of the room. "Where are they taking them?" I asked Kygo. He shrugged. "Probably to the cemetery. Even though they chose the dark they were still people and deserved to be buried," he replied. We stood there for a minute, watching. Finally I turned to a guard and asked him "What can I do to help?"
  8. *The next day, your P.O.V.* You woke up squinting at the sunlight that leaked through your window. You sat up, your bones creaking like the old door hinges on your door. A blanket fell off you and you blinked at it confused. You wondered how it got there. Out of your peripheral vision, you saw something move on the floor. You leaned over and looked at the ground. The guys were laying there, all with blankets and pillows. Just then Regan mumbled something that sounded like "please don't eat me giant pandas. I don't taste all that well but Sean does." You chuckled and swung your legs out of bed. There was a soft knock on the door and then it opened and a maid peaked her head in. She smiled when she saw you sitting up. You beckoned her to come in. It was the same maid who woke you up the first day you were here. She was a shorter woman with a kind face. She had salt and pepper hair and looked to be about the same age as your mother. She closed the door and stepped over the boys and sat beside you on the bed. "Hear drink this; it'll help with the stiffness." She handed you a glass that looked like it had water in it but when you drank it, it was more like clear syrup that tasted like honey. As you drank, warmth spread through your body, relaxing mussels and making you feel like you just stretched out of an hour. "Thank you," you said, surprised at how horse you voice was. You cleared your throat wincing in pain. Your throat felt like sand paper. Randy stirred at your feet. "If you wish to take a bath there are clothes in the closet. You may wear anything. If you need anything just give me a holler and I'll be here as soon as I can." She looked at you and then added "there's also the rope you can pull. I'll answer to that too." "What is your name?" you asked quietly. She stood up smiling and answered "Maria." Then she left and as soon as the door was closed Randy woke up.
  9. "Good morning, Randy" you greeted him. He looked up and you and grinned. "Good morning, _______." He sat down next to you and said "I need a nickname for you." You gave him a quizzical look. You crossed your legs and replied "This ought to be good." "How about "˜Horsey?'" he teased. "If you even try that I'll kill you," you threatened. He laughed. "Okay how about Mrs. Incredible?" You shook your head. "Elemental Girl?" "Next." "Queen?" You wrinkled your nose. Randy put his arm around your waist. "Sunshine?" "That's not bad." "Babe or Baby?" he questioned with a mischievous smile. "I like that one," you whispered with an equally mischievous smile. You glanced at the floor to make sure the others were still asleep, and then you looked back up at Randy who was much closer. He then kissed you. I'm not talking about his usual kiss on the cheek; no I'm talking about some kissing on the lips.
  10. Randy broke the kiss to soon in your opinion. "Sunshine it is then," he told you. You both sighed. You sat there for you don't know how long; your head on Randy's shoulder his head on yours. You watched as the other guys woke up. When the only one who was still asleep was Regan you hopped off the bed and walked over to the closet picking out an outfit to wear. As you turned back around you said, "I'm going to go take a bath. I want you all out of my room by the time I get back." The guys grumbled. You went to the washroom (bathroom) and had a nice hot refreshing bath. You washed your hair and after to dried off and got dressed you put on some more of that Neosporin type slave on your cut. This time you didn't need to put a bandage on it. When you got back to your room you found that the guys left and the blankets and pillows had been removed. You braided your hair then set out to find your siblings.
  11. You tried the dining room first. The guards were still cleaning up the mess and trying to cover up the gigantic hole in the roof. The head guard told you where you would find your brother and sister. "They are having breakfast in the kitchen with the Prince," he told you. You thanked him but didn't leave right away. The guard smiled down at you. "Too get to the kitchen go down this hall and at the end take a right. When you hit the next crossroad take another right then your first left. The door at the end of that hallway is the kitchen." You smiled thankfully at him and then hurried off. Luckily the guard's directions were easy to follow and you quickly found the kitchen. The door was open so you just walked in. Sitting at the table that was in there was Jake, Sarah and Kygo. They looked up when you walked in. "Hey guys," you greeted them. You scowled when you heard that your voice was still horse. "Good morning," they chorused. "Would you like breakfast?" one of the cooks asked. "Yes please," you answered sliding into a chair across from the others. "How are you feeling?" your sister asked in a worried voice. "I feel right as rain. Except for the voice but it'll pass," you assured her. The cook placed your breakfast and a glass of apple juice in front of you. You thanked him and dug in. Sarah and Kygo kept eating as well. Jake on the other hand stared at you. Finally you growled at him "Jake stopped staring at me like I'm some kind of science project gone wrong." "Sorry. It's just... I can't believe how much pain he can inflict on you." You winched. "Look can we not talk about it, please?" you begged. They nodded. "My lips are sealed. And don't worry no one knows what happened. The only one who knows is Maria, but you can trust her," Kygo told you. You finished your breakfast in silence. When you finished you bid Jake, Sarah and Kygo a goodbye. Then you went and to the training arena. When you walked in there was a group of teens not much older than you stretching. Quan included. Master Li was standing a little ways away with one of the other masters. Master Li spotted you and motioned for you to come over. You jogged over to them and greeted Master Li. Your voice was only a tiny bit horse now and not enough to where any one could hear it. "______ allow me to introduce Master Koda. He is the master of mixed martial arts and self-defense." You shook hands with Master Koda. "So what's going on here?" you asked, nodding toward the group of teens. "We are about to begin a class," Master Li replied. "Oh well I'm sorry for interrupting," you apologized. "Don't worry we haven't started yet," Master Li assured you. "Would you like to join the class for a day," Master Koda offered. "Well I'm not doing anything and I'm always willing to learn something new. So sure," you agreed. "Excellent," Master Koda cried. "But please treat me as if I was just another student and not Nia's prodigy." "Done," they said together. You followed them over to the group of teens. "Alright listen up," Master Li commanded. "Lady ________ will be joining us today, but I still expect all of you to pay attention." "Yes sir," the teens chorused. You couldn't help but notice that all of them were boys. They introduced themselves quickly. Besides Quan there was Spencer, Matt, Victor and Erick. "Please call me _______," you told them. "Alright let's get started," Master Koda said clapping his hands together.
  12. You spent 2 hours running through drills with the sword and you learned a few more self-defense moves. At the end of 2 hours Master Koda said "Good work guys! And ______," he added quickly. "Do you guys want to duel?" Master Li asked. "Yes!" We all chorused. Matt and Erick had told me about duels during one of our breaks. "Alright we only have time for one team to go so who wants to?" "I say we let ____ be one of the duelers," Victor volunteered. The others agreed. "So _______," Matt said turning to me. "Who do you want to duel?" Erick finished. "Well as I've seen and you have proven you would all be worthy opponents, but I kind of already promised Quan a duel when we met before. So I chose Quan." Instead of looking disappointed the boys were excited. "This'll be a good one," Matt cried. "Yeah especially since they are both Elementals," Victor added. You turned to Quan. Quan was a prodigy of B.W. "I promise not to use any other power besides wind," you promised him. "And I promise not to go easy on you," Quan promised you. You and Quan shook hands and everyone got in position. Master Li stood in the center of the arena with you and Quan on opposite ends. He told the rules to the air and then shouted "DUEL!" taking off out of the way. You and Quan started circling waiting for the other to make the first move.
  13. And that's where I'll leave you guys. Sorry this one took so long to get out but hey I made up for it. I gave you a bunch of action and TWO kisses. I'll try and get the next one out sooner, but school is starting up again. I promise I have been working on this all winter break. Well until the next one! See ya!

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