Don't leave me hanging part 25 | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Don't leave me hanging part 25.

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  • That crazy, mermaid-b!tch will die soon... Who does she think she is?!

    And YAY, KRIS IS BACK :D Finally ^-^

    And(again) don't be hurt, Blake... It brakes my heart seeing any of the guys sad :'(

  • KRIS! yeah! he's hot! and soo sweet blah blah blah blah *goes on and on and on* ohh and maybe jack... but i have a close friend called jack so that is kinda awkward for me... and blake!!! and who was that GIRL?! she sounds like a *curses very bad word* lol anyway i know a few girls like that *imagines ripping their head off* mwhahahahahhaha anyway....

  • I loved it! I can't wait until the next one! As always, I'll be looking.

  • Awesome part! It has everything from mystery, suspense, humour, and a bit of romance ;) !!! Congrats on being an experienced user *high five*. I didn't think it was long at all either. When you mentioned it though, I looked at the question number and I was surprised that there were forty questions. It didn't seem long, just the right length :) . I was happy to find Kris and Blake back!! =D Finally we get to see Blake in the flesh and Kris coming back after admitting he loves the main character. Feel bad for Blake though. I think he likes the main character but I wonder what he said about Jack is true. Anyway, I'm liking all the guys... They're all sweet and nice. Kris, Jack, Owen, Cory. I would say Justin and Blake, but we don't really know about them too much. Can't wait for the next part!!!!

  • Hi! Thank you for being such a devoted fan to my quizzes, lol. I'm a pretty fast reader, so I took all of this series' parts already. And I must say, it's pretty good. The beginning was maybe a little bit under descriptive as I like it to be, but as I progressed further into the story it got immensely better. I'm team Kris because Kris is cute and I like him a lot and he's awkward and quirky and I love him. :')

  • Names: Animus if it's a guy
    Anima if it's a girl
    both mean "spirit" in latin =)

  • @Bionca and _ViolaLover_ Thank you both! :D I try to keep the quizzes around 20-ish :P hasn't been working recently, though XD As for that bird, I was wondering if anyone wants to suggest a name for it? That would be great, if someone could :)

  • I was about to comment "it wasn't getting THAT long" when I looked to see it stopped at question 40 xD Awesome quiz! Congratz on experienced user! Can't wait for the next one!

  • @xxblutixx congrats on being an 'experienced user' now. And don't be sorry for the quiz being long, actually its just awesome. Thank U for bringing back Kris and also a bird.

  • Sorry that this one took a while to come out. The next one is partially written, so it should be out sooner :)

    Also, I just realized I'm an "experienced" user now, yay :D Just thought I'd share that XP


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