Does your crush like you?

Lots of people don't prefer a quiz to tell if their crush likes them or not but hey! Why not? You never know unless your crush tells you but this quiz can help you get closer to the answer!

Of course, if you weren't interested, you wouldn't be on the page right now, so go for it. Take this quick simple quiz to help determine if your crush likes you or not. GOOD LUCK!!!

Created by: becca
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you talk to your crush?
  2. When you pass him while he's talking with his friends and he notices you, how does he react?
  3. When he talks to you, does he blush?
  4. Does he texts you a lot?
  5. Do you hang out a lot?
  6. Do you know if your crush has told his parents about you?
  7. Do his friends push him towards you when you pass?
  8. Does he try to impress you?
  9. Does he remember the little things about you?
  10. Does your crush talk to/about other girls in front of you? Even if they're hot?

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Quiz topic: Does my crush like you?