Does Someone Have a Crush On You? | Comments

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  • Some people posted they got yes. There is no yes or no, lol. D:

    Awesome quiz! I got a pretty high score; mainly because I wanted to see if you were right, and yes you are! Several people have crushes on me; 2 exes (both told me) but I only like one of them, and a whole load of other dudes. And of course my boyfriend; but I didn't consider him. xD

    • omg same

    • b---- you like your ex??stupida dont go back theres a reason hes/shes your ex!!

    • Why would she like her ex she's got a boyfriend

  • There is a 100% chance that someone has a crush on you

    According to this quiz, you have a very high chance that someone has a crush on you! Look for these signs in the people you "suspect" have a crush on you: He/she may stare at you. He/she smiles and laughs alot when you are around. He/she has an increased interest in your hobbies and interests. He/she's behaviour changes when you are around. He/she spends more time with you than they used to. I hope these points help. Good Luck!

  • I tested for two ppl one was only 8% and honestly I very severely doubted she liked me. The other was 38% which is pretty cool cause I do like her so this quiz has given me hope I have a chance. Thank You creator! I hope everyone who reads this has an amazing day!

    • I dont trust it

  • I liked this quiz but it was a bit confusing since theres only one person I think has a crush on me and they dont legitimately know me very well and a lot of this could just be having a large friend group like I have, my friends do some of these things to me all the time but none of us really have crushes on each other. Again, the quiz was enjoyable and no hate to it just could be better if it doesnt have to do with how many people and just one person and like how many times you or someone else has caught someone staring at you and so on

    Coolkid Mcgee
    • Two people have a crush on me lol

  • theres was this guy i sat next to in math and, whenever we have to be in partners he always picks me o-o and another time we were in groups that the teacher put us in, and he was in a diff one, and he reached out his hand and made a sound. O-O i kinda liked him but then he moved D:

  • Thanks for showing me Im hated really appreciate it

    • I got a 50% which is okay because this quiz said maybe this was probably not accurate, but there is a high chance someone may like you out there and is waiting for you or you already met that person so don't give up and love yourself :)))

  • I got 38%. I guess someone likes me secretly I never knew, after my best friend told me when I transferred. Sort of funny, friends I have liked me for so many years without telling me. Isn't that funny?

    • I got 33%. In school some girls said they like me and laughed at it and were smiling from check to cheek just starting at me with both eyes closed

  • There is a 100% chance that someone has a crush on you


    According to this quiz, you have a very high chance that someone has a crush on you! Look for these signs in the people you "suspect" have a crush on you: He/she may stare at you. He/she smiles and laughs a lot when you are around. He/she has an increased interest in your hobbies and interests. He/she's behavior changes when you are around. He/she spends more time with you than they used to. I hope these points help. Good Luck!

  • There is a 71% chance that someone has a crush on you


    According to this quiz, you have a pretty high chance that someone has a crush on you. Look for these signs in the people you "suspect" to have a crush on you: Staring at you. He/she smiles and laughs alot when they are around you. He/she has alot of interest in your hobbies and interests. He/she's behaviour changes when you are around. He/she may spend alot of time with you. I hope these points help. Good Luck!

  • 38%. he said this quiz is probably not accurate, but then again I have acne, so that is probably true. I hope the person who likes me is the person I like.

  • Yeah the quiz is fairly accurate nobody has a crush on me

  • I got 67% that someone likes me but Im dating someone and Im pretty sure hes the only one that likes me

  • So I took it for 2 people the first one I got 67% great I only like him as a friend and the other was 63% again great I don't like him that way he's also only a ftiend

  • i can't believe i have an account here. i feel so honored to be here, amongst all of you. including angelfish_xD, JohnCena1, and my favorite of all: MaBoiDonaldTrump

    a nyway, i got 63%. i really love hoho's so i hohope the person who likes me buys me a new box because i just ate the last one by myself... in 2 days..........

    • i get 100 now i can tell why all girls are acting like that when im next to them

  • yeah a I dont have a crush (well I do have 2 but they are fictional characters) but I have suspicions on a girl and I must eradicate her from existence

  • Kiki rocks is acting different than me. Nobody understands though. Sorry if I seem annoying and dramatic, Im just emotional.

  • Nobody likes me. I HATE THE CREATOR OF THIS! AM I THAT UGLY!!!!!! This didnt help me get over suicide at all. I thought, Maybe Ill feel better if someone actually liked me. But NOOO! You just had to go and RUIN me! Now I just believe everyone hates me.

    • Did you even bother to read the second paragraph? The creator clearly said that the quiz MAY NOT BE ACCURATE. But even though I do not know you, I like everyone, and I really hope you feel better. If you are suicidal, you should consider seeking some help. Hope you have a great day!

  • Yes! 4% someone has a crush on me! I hope nobody ever does. I don't want someone to like me.

  • My friend told me that one of my guy best friends has a crush on me so I took this quiz. I took it once for my crush (it got 13%) and once for my guy bestie (I got 25%) and I swear if he likes me hes going to get yeeted out of the window

  • I got 58% omg I know it I bonuses did this quiz just in case it's false and same 2people like me ones they almost got in to a fight because they both wanted to play with me lol. and one of them said "kiss me now" omg I'm only..... Ok I can't say but I'm young.

    • If its the same for you

    • OMG yes!! I got 58% as well!
      I also have 2 boys that like me :P
      so I can relate :)

    • Bruh one of my crushes are soo annoying!!! >:(

  • I thought if someone liked me it would help with my depression but no I just want to kill myself Evan more so I will

  • My only crush is Eleven from Stranger Things.

    Luv myself
  • 29% some may have a crush on you. That's true I have no idea if someone likes me or not, but I'm in 8th grade so I may start getting some soon=)

  • i got 54% well this was kind of accurt but i didn't really have to take this quiz to find out about who likes me because one day at school it was create your own question day and i did to all the boys in my school do you have a crush on me and almost all the guys said yes and my other one was for all the school not just for a sertin gender what flavor of ice cream do you like so i didn't really need to take this quiz

  • Im not sure, one guy might like me, but I never talk to him


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