Does scourge like u

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Is Scourge the Hedgehog your ideal Match? Take this quiz to find out! Will u break his heart or will u date him? Will u know? Scourge is a bad boy he breaks rules!

Are u Scourges ideal match? Take the quiz to find out! Will u love him, break his heart or go along with it? U are now known to take this test u are now in the eye of the hedgehog!

Created by: Sally
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are walking around u see Scourge the Hedgehog what do u do?
  2. He asks you on a date what do u do?
  3. He says to meet him in the flower patch next to the Acorn castle what do u do?
  4. U meet him there he puckers up his lips to kiss u what do u do?
  5. U see him say meet me by your house What do u do?
  6. U meet him by your house he says Will u be my girlfriend/boyfriend? What do u do?
  7. He tells u he loves u so much what do u do?
  8. He says he wants u to join the DESTRUCTION what do u do?
  9. He dates u for a while and asks u to marry him what do u do?
  10. U marry him what do u do?

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