warrior cat quiz: how much like scourge are you?

Do you love warriors? What about Scourge? if so please PLEASE take this test! it will tell you how much like Scourge are you? i hope you enjoy this test! i drew all drawings of Scourge in the results and i hope you like them! :)

Are YOU Scourge? Take this quiz to find out! i drew the drawings in the results my self so i hope you like them, i worked super hard on this quiz and i hope you like it!

Created by: GrayMist
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is you favorite color?
  2. do you like kits?
  3. do you like hugs?
  4. when you where a kit what did you want more then anything else?
  5. what would you do is someone started a fight with you?
  6. what would you do if you saw a rainbow?
  7. what would you do if a two-leg tried to pet you?
  8. if a cat sneaked up on you and jumped out and scared you what would you do?
  9. what do you think of firestar
  10. what do you think of my quiz?

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Quiz topic: Warrior cat quiz: how much like scourge am I?