does bloodmoon like you?

will bm like you or hate you?let's hope he likes you because if he hates you he will slowly kill you and make sure your death will be painful and slow

lol idk what to say muffin sun and moon show hot dog undertale sun moon lunar eclipse ruin eclipse solar flare blood moon sans papyrus chara frisk undyne

Created by: azel slusser
  1. what's your favorite color?
  2. how about a roleplay
  3. you walk into the daycare and see bm(bloodmoon) what do you do?
  4. he says yes to killing someone(for if you wanted to kill)
  5. he hugs you back(if you hugged him
  6. he seems flustered(if you kissed him)
  7. he gets ready to fight (for if you hit him or got ready to fight him)
  8. alr-bloodmoon:whats your opinion on blood?
  9. bye
  10. hay one more thing
  11. lol nothing

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