Would you and Purple Guy get along?

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Please at least be truthful on your answers. Anyways, this is about if Purple Guy would like you or not. just choose answers that you would do. Later!

I hope you enjoy my rushed quiz! It's pretty simple and I don't really care if you don't like it, hate it, because it's YOUR opinion. And i respect that. anyways! Have a good day/night/afternoon/whatever

Created by: Chaos
  1. me: okay so wh- Purple Guy: Can I? Me: Fine. Purple Guy: Okay so what's your hobby?!?
  2. me: d- Purple Guy: Can I answer the next two? me: Fine, but for the cost of half of a Toast. Purple Guy: Fine, anyways, am i your favorite character?
  3. Purple Guy: Okay so, I want to know.. are you scared of me at all..? -pulls out bloody knife and licks it- me: VINCENT!!! You're not supposed to disgust Him/Her! Purple Guy: ..Whatever..
  4. me: Okay now, What's your name? Purple Guy: Didn't think we would get personal.. me: Your lucky your my favorite! Purple Guy: Yeah, yeah..
  5. me: what would you do if Vincent confessed? Purple Guy: wait hold up hold up..WHAT?!
  6. me: W- Purple Guy: I want to ask another question..Actually, two? me: Fine. Purple Guy: Okay well, what's your favorite color?
  7. Springtrap: would you ever pour water on me? me: :o
  8. Purple Guy: Just one more... me: FINNNNEEEEEEE :((((( Purple Guy: Great, so, what's your favorite food?
  9. me: what's your favorite song? CAUSE I KNOW MINE!! Purple Guy: YES! PUT IT ON! me: ALREADY ON IT!! -turns on I am the Purple Guy- -Partying-
  10. Ready for results?
  11. Ready for results?
  12. Purple Guy.
  13. Hope you enjoyed!

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