The Ultimate "Which Lantern Corps Should You Be In?" Quiz

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This quiz will help determine what corps you most align with! Answer honestly and choose the answer that most closely lines up with how you feel. I ignored the actions of individual lanterns and stuck with the cardinal traits and overall lore of each lantern type.

I'm a huge fan of lantern lore and have read most of the comics, so I tried to make the whole quiz as comic-accurate as possible. I've included all the major lantern corps, as well as orange (which is kind of cheating, given that there is only one), white, black, and ultraviolet.

Created by: Corvus Phoenix
  1. How much control do you have over your emotions?
  2. When you experience an emotion, how powerfully do you feel that emotion on average?
  3. When you experience a strong negative emotion, how long does it take for that feeling to fade on average?
  4. Are you more logical or emotional?
  5. Do you prefer order or chaos?
  6. How would you prefer to approach combat?
  7. What is most important to you?
  8. What is the most important trait to you in friendships?
  9. What is the most important trait to you in romantic relationships?
  10. Are you more comfortable leading or following?
  11. What makes you angry?
  12. What makes you happy?
  13. How would your friends describe you?
  14. How much reverence do you hold for items or tradition with historical significance?
  15. What would you fight for?
  16. What is your purpose in life?
  17. Do you feel that you are misunderstood?
  18. Would other people describe your decisions as cold or calloused?
  19. What do you think of destiny?
  20. Which would you most likely choose as a way to improve yourself?
  21. How do you feel if someone is afraid of you?
  22. What is the first thing that attracts you to another person?
  23. Do you hold grudges?
  24. How easily do you make new friends?
  25. Can you be manipulative?
  26. A friend is going through a rough breakup. What is your first instict?
  27. You're approached with the opportunity to let a god make all your major decisions for you. Do you take it?
  28. If you close your eyes and think of a "happy place," take note: is it day or night?
  29. What are your thoughts on discipline?
  30. When you meet someone new, how interested are you in learning "what makes them tick"? (What thought processes are going on behind what they do/say or their deeper motivations)
  31. How well can you read people?
  32. What is your general opinion of people in general?
  33. How would you become familiar with the emotional spectrum?
  34. Are you a "big picture thinker"?
  35. How much do you value friendship?
  36. What are your thoughts on justice?
  37. How is your impulse control?

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Quiz topic: The Ultimate "Which Lantern Corps should I Be In?" Quiz
