Do you really know Mac Miller?

Let me guess, you came here because your bored and you have nothing better to do? I dont blame you, i mean look how i got into making the quiz. The exact same reason youre taking it 😂

Basically this quiz is just to see how well you know Larry Fisherman. Tbh if you didnt get that then you really shouldnt be taking this quiz. This doesnt determine your life so chill out.

Created by: Hunter Shieldnight
  1. Whats his actual name?
  2. Whats his eye color?
  3. How old is he?
  4. Whats his brothers name?
  5. What is his TV show called?
  6. Whats the names of his closest friends?
  7. Does he smoke weed or cigarettes?
  8. When is his birthday?
  9. What is his home town?
  10. Where did he move to with his closest friends?
  11. Whats his parents names?
  12. What is his zodiac sign?
  13. What is his religion?
  14. What is the name of his first album?
  15. You ready for some results? 😌

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Quiz topic: Do I really know Mac Miller?