Would you survive at the ALDC?

Dance Moms if a popular tv show on lifetime that made the Abby Lee Dance Company (ALDC) even more recognized. Abby Lee Miller is a very toug teacher and many people wonder: could I survive her?

In this quiz, you'll find out if you have what it takes to dance at the ALDC (skills not needed) and handle Abby Lee Miller. Find out if you could survive the ALDC

Created by: paigesfanfics
  1. (If you had the skills) would you want to dance at the ALDC
  2. Why would you dance there?
  3. How often do you cry?
  4. How many hours after school do you have?
  5. When somebody asks you why you love to dance, you respond...
  6. If you quickly had to learn a dance in 4 hours, you would...
  7. If you are given a genera of dance that you aren't very good at, you will...
  8. Your costume is hideous! You...
  9. You get a minor injury during practice and Abby asks "Whats wrong?" You respond...
  10. You come to dance in...

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