With Dance moms dancer are you?

There are a lot of great ALDC dancers. But I just picked a few because it was easier for me. Sorry if you find that lazy of me so I apologize for that.

Now, witch girl are you like? Do you have the guts to find out? Who knows, you could be a magical person and be someone that wasn't even a choice!!! Lol

Created by: Abby
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you get offered TONS of dance opportunities?
  2. Do people come up to you and tell you you're cute?
  3. What style of dance are you best at
  4. How do you like your dances
  5. What color hair do you have
  6. do you see a bright future in dance
  7. do you usually get placed in the top 10
  8. does you coach believe in you
  9. what letter does your name begin with
  10. do people talk about you behind your back

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Quiz topic: With Dance moms dancer am I?