Do you know the toontown beta/2003 stage?

Are you knowledgeable about classic Toontown? Enter this quiz to find out! Take the quiz now.

Don't need any more detail than this, just know that you will probably get some of these questions wrong. But not if you really know your stuff.

Created by: ToontownBeta
  1. Did toontown central look like a circle in 2003?
  2. Did toons stand on the trolley or sit in the beta?
  3. Were the cogs originally called "Suits" in beta?
  4. Did the "Suits" explode upon death or shrink into clowns in beta?
  5. Is toontown beta known very well?
  6. Was the fishing mechanic the same as today in 2003?
  7. Did colored gloves become a feature in 2003 or beta?
  8. What game inspired toontown?
  9. Were the suits actual business men in beta?
  10. In toontown 2003, did toons jumping work or was it just an animation

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Quiz topic: Do I know the toontown beta/2003 stage?