Do you know the Jonas Brothers

There are so many facts about the Jonas Brothers. Do you know any? Check it out and listen to the JoBros. P.S. Joe is HAWT!!! K so kep it up!!!!! OMJ My hands are tremblimg! Yep I say Oh My Jonas Got a problemo wit that!!!

So do YOU know anything bout the Jonas Brothers? Come and Step right up! Psst, there are 4 bros and he aint adopted!!!Vote 4 them on TRL!! K so kep it up!!!!! OMJ My hands are tremblimg! Yep I say Oh My Jonas Got a problemo wit that!!!

Created by: Alexis

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

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  6. When is Nicks birthday
  7. What is Kevins Favourite Color
  8. How old is Kevin
  9. What is Kevins full name?
  10. Is there a Bonus Jonas
  11. If so, whats his name
  12. If you add the Jonas Brothers age together, what is it?

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Quiz topic: Do I know the Jonas Brothers