Do you know Sabrina Carpenter

There are many celebrities out there. There are also many people who think they know everything in the world! But we are just humans we don't know EVERYTHING!

DO you have what it takes to pass this Sabrina Carpenter quiz! If so take it and let's see how you do! If you pass great! If you didn't try again!!! It's okay!

Created by: Minion Lover
  1. When was Sabrina Carpenter born?
  2. How many siblings does she have?
  3. What show did she first star on?
  4. What is her full name?
  5. WHERE was she BORN?
  6. WHAT GENRE does she sing?
  7. WHO is her older sister?
  8. Will you rate this quiz?
  9. Will you comment?
  10. Did you like the quiz?

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Quiz topic: Do I know Sabrina Carpenter