Do you know Happy

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Thank you for tacking this quiz you you might of not got this quiz ore you might of but you still did it and that's good enough this is my first quiz thank you for taking it.

You got this quiz right this is my first quiz Happy is my favorite thing ever and I like fish so yeah......... I'm not sure where to go with this.....

Created by: Happy
  1. How old is Happy?
  2. Where does Happy's race originate?
  3. What is Happy's favorite food?
  4. Who did Happy switch body's with on episode 19?
  5. Does Happy have a guild logo if so where is it?
  6. What is the name of Happy's race?
  7. What is Happy's gender and who does he like?
  8. What color is Happy's fur?
  9. Who are Happy's parents?
  10. What type of magic does Happy mainly use?

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Quiz topic: Do I know Happy