Do you know Becky G.?

HEY people think they know the fave CELEB. BUT they might not know everything. They just think they do. How about Becky g do you know everything about her?

DO YOU know everything about .... BECKY G. TAKE THE QUIZ TO SEE IF YOU DOOO KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT HER!!!!!!!!! If you get higher than a 90% YOU ARE A BECKY G. FAN!

Created by: Minion Lover
  1. What is Becky G.s REAL name?
  2. What is Becky G.'s fave color?
  3. How many siblings does she have?
  4. What is Becky G's favorite food?
  5. When was Becky G. born?
  6. Where was Becky G. born?
  7. At the age of 9, Becky G and her family dealt with what kind of struggle?
  8. Becky G likes to shop?
  9. What genre does she sing?
  10. Did Becky G. date Austin Mahone?

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Quiz topic: Do I know Becky G.?