What full house character are you?

In 1987 Warner Bros. had created a wonderful show called Full House, starring Marykate and Ashley Olsen, Jodie Sweeten, Candace Camoren, Bob Saget, John Stamos, Dave Coulier, Lori Loughilin, and Andrea Barber. (Sorry if I misspelled anything.)

If you love Full House, this is the quiz for you. Find out if your Michelle, Stephanie, D.J. Jesse, Danny, Joey, Becky, or Kimmy. I hope you like it! (No mean comments please!)

Created by: Maddi
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Favorite color?
  2. Favorite season?
  3. Any crushes, boyfriend/girlfriend or spouses?
  4. Pick a TV show
  5. Which singer/band?
  6. How would you spend your weekend?
  7. What's your fav Full House episode?
  8. Which outfit would you wear?
  9. Which sounds the most fun?
  10. This has no effect on your score but who's your favorite Tanner sister?
  11. Who's your favorite guy?
  12. Kimmy or Becky?

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Quiz topic: What full house character am I?