Do you have your facts right?

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There are lots of smart people in te world, but exactly how many of them have their facts right? Some may, but others may not. Who would have their facts right? A person who is smart, a true genius.

Well, what about YOU? Do YOU have your facts right? Maybe, maybe not. The reason I have created this quiz is to have people see if THEY do. Well, do YOU have your facts right?

Created by: science_one
  1. A Brontasaurus is a...
  2. A pterodactyl is a...
  3. A bat is a...
  4. True or False? A bat feeds on its mother's milk.
  5. True or False? A bat gives birth to live young. (as a human does.)
  6. Which of the following is the largest mass extinction in Earth's history?
  7. In which year was the first bubble gum produced?
  8. In which year was the Recycle Symbol invented?
  9. How many Earths could fit inside the sun?
  10. How long does it take for honey to spoil?
  11. Which is the world's lightest mammal?

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Quiz topic: Do I have my facts right?