Do you have laughing problems?

Do you think you have laughing issues?(Meaning you laugh too much). Do you think you don't? You won't know for sure unless you take my quiz! I really don't want to type so much and who reads these dumb paragraphs anyway? I'm just going to do dots. ............... ...... ........... ....... .. ...... . .......... ................

..................................................................................................................................... ............................................... Isn't it stupid that who ever made this website doesn't let you use short language or anything in these paragraphs? I think so. ................................................... ...................................................

Created by: Ms. Who
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. On your calender, there's a really funny picture of a gorilla with it's tongue out. You:
  2. How many times do you laugh a day generally?
  3. Choose one word to describe you. Be HONEST! Your word is:
  4. Are you fun to be around? I know I said this last time but be HONEST!
  5. There's this really funny movie that you've watched so many times. You:
  6. Do you like to laugh?
  7. What do you think about this quiz?
  8. Your BFF starts to tickle you. You:
  9. You go to the circus and the clown comes out. You:
  10. Do you think you have laughing problems?
  11. Will you believe your results?

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Quiz topic: Do I have laughing problems?