Do you have good taste in music? Find out now!

Having good music taste is quite an awesome thing to have! Music is a good way to express yourself and music is as they say a" just a form of entertainment " but for others.. (like me) music is their whole life!

Do YOU have good music taste? Only way to find out is to take this easy short quiz thatll let you find out in seconds WELL WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR LETS BEGIN!

Created by: Brianna underhill
  1. What would you rather listen to?
  2. What is your favorite music genre?
  3. What do you think of pop music?
  4. Pick the best one out of these..
  5. Pick the worst one...
  6. Youd rather attend a concert of...
  7. How mutch time do you spend listening to music?
  8. Do you like listening to music? If so, why?
  9. Choose the best one.
  10. Why did you take this test

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Quiz topic: Do I have good taste in music? Find out now!