Do you have a cool cell phone? =) | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Do you have a cool cell phone? =).

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  • Do you have a cool cell phone? =)
    Your Result: realy mondo super cool

    your cell is so cool that people beg to see it. mostly the only people who have your number are"cool" people. your phone has many functions. you are not a noob in cell phone world!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!

    hah a i didnt need a quiz to tell u my cell phone was amazing! it has a slide out keyboard that slides sideways and unlimited txtn, amazing calling plans, and service many places others cannot!!! not to brag or anything but im happy i dont hav a sucky cell phone that belong in the trash :D

  • Mine's not crappy. It can call, text, and has an alarm and flashlight built into it. (Well, that's all it can do, but it's still not crappy.


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