Do you have a cool cell phone? =)

phones are life lines in a way. mabey even a little buddy at times but it is truly a mystery if your phone is cool or not. is it or is it not. if you do not know proceed to the quiz.

is your phone cool? or do you need an upgrade badly? my phone is cool acording to this so what will it say about your's? i don't know i just typed all the info but this quiz will tell you

Created by: brian
  1. what is your occupation?
  2. are you a nerd?
  3. what is your phone supplyer?
  4. do you have alot of friends
  5. does your phone have a case?
  6. ttyl mbff lol twsf u r m bffl. can you understand this?
  7. do you text?
  8. what kind of phone do i have?=0
  9. what letter does your name start with?
  10. did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Do I have a cool cell phone? =)