Do you hate me????

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Ok so, i was bored so i decided to make dis magical quiz. So i made quizes but no one liked it or comment. So i think they hate me. Well i don't know so let's see if YOU hate me.

plz comment and like. im a poor and innocent alien that just wants to have at least one like and one comment. Ok shut up and start the quiz. i will come to ur house and kill u if you hate me. ok no :'v

Created by: MagicalAlien
  1. do u hate me?
  2. do u really hate me?
  3. why do u hate me
  4. do u think im stoopid?
  5. whats my fav song?
  6. hi
  7. do you really really really hate me?
  8. ok ok sorry
  9. sé que me odias, dilo y no vendré a tu casa a matarte
  10. ummmmmmm hi
  11. ok,so you really hate me
  12. ok ok sorry. plz forgive me
  13. ok bye

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Quiz topic: Do I hate me????

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