Do you easily get distracted?

Here are 13 simple questions to see if you can keep your mind on the subject. There are only four questions that have any effect but it took forever so shut your pie hole!

Anyway can you stay focused or do you just wondor of or are you the freak who never even heard of daydreaming. It is all up to you sorta kinda i dont know

Created by: Beverlyreagan
  1. You are in 5th period math and it is SO boring (as usual)
  2. If you picked daydreaming or fall alsleep the teacher caught you!
  3. Your mom yelled up the stairs telling you to get dressed you:
  4. Somebody is talking to you about beets you:
  5. I have to ask twelve questions so no efect for the nexts
  6. My name is
  7. What th heck is goin on here
  8. Am i a girl or a boy?
  9. If you picked boy shame on you
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Do I easily get distracted?