Do u really know me ?

hm, many people out there many call you a genius, but do you really think you are a genius and you are really smart ? i bet you are not if you really think you are that smart i guess you should try this quiz.

Here is it , if you can prove to me that you are a genius and you really know me eventhought you havn't see me i will give you my contact information and we can become friends if you want.

Created by: Snowbobz

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What's my nickname ?
  2. Am i a male or female ?
  3. how old am i ?
  4. what my favourite colour ?
  5. Am I in a relationship ?
  6. what do u think is my future career ? [here is a clue: am a' science student']
  7. Do i have a girl friend, a boyfriend or, a crush ?
  8. if you loved me what is the best way for you to express your feels to me ?
  9. how many child did i plan to get when am growed up and marry's ?
  10. how will you feel when i say i love ?
  11. Among this who do u think is my best wrestler ? [use the clue he is the united state champion]
  12. Do you think it good to have a girlfriend or boyfriend when you are under 18 ?
  13. what colour do you think my hair is ?
  14. if you happen to be someone i love and i organise a date to let me express my self how would you react ?
  15. is this quiz interesing ?
  16. if you are lucky in this quiz and you got my contact how will you feel ?

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