Did Your History Teacher Lie To You?

Why let facts get in the way of a good story? Especially when being told by a government employed school teacher. Why let facts get in the way of a good story? Especiually when being told by a government employed school teacher. Think for yourself!

Why let facts get in the way of a good story? Especially when being told by a government employed school teacher. Think for yourself!Why let facts get in the way of a good story? Especiually when being told by a government employed school teacher. Think for yourself!

Created by: Veronica

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. The first black baseball player in the Major Leagues was Jackie Robinson, who was called up to the majors by the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947
  2. The first Code Talkers were Navajos used in the Pacific during WWII and could transmit radio signals in Navajo without the Japanese ever being able to decipher the language.
  3. As a boy George Washington chopped down his father's cherry tree.
  4. 4 November 1979 Iranian students took 50 hostages at the US Embassy in Tehran and held them for 444 days.
  5. Henry Ford created the concept of the Assembly Line for the efficient mass production of automobiles in 1906.
  6. American George Washington Carver invented peanut butter in 1903.
  7. George Wahsington wore false teeth made out of wood.
  8. The first European colony in the New World was in what is now the state of Virginia, and it was founded by the English.
  9. During the 1692 Salem Witch Trials, one of the black villagers, Tituba, practiced Caribbean Black Magic.
  10. Betsy Ross made the first American flag after a visit in June 1776 by George Washington.
  11. During WWII the Japanese captured a handful of Aleutian Islands, but that was the only US territory attacked or captured.
  12. The first baseball game played under lights was between Cincinnati and Philadelphia on the evening of 24 May 1935.
  13. Pocahontas rescued early colonist Captain John Smith from certain death, and later fell in love and married him.
  14. The English brought the first enslaved Africans to North America soon after the Mayflower landed.
  15. Thomas Edison invented the first working incandescent light on 21 October, 1879.
  16. World War II started on 1 September 1939 when Germany invaded Poland.
  17. There were three Axis Powers during WWII; Germany, Italy, and Japan.
  18. Richard M. Nixon, 37th President of the US, was impeached in 1974.
  19. On arrival in North America, the Pilgrims first stepped foot on Plymouth Rock and this entered their writings, song, and popular culture.
  20. The first military action for the United States in WWWII was Pearl Harbor in December of 1941.
  21. The United States was defeated in South Vietnam in 1973.
  22. In 1876 General George Armstrong Custer was defeated at the Battle of Little Big Horn.
  23. In the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis JFK out maneuvered Khrushchev on the military and diplomatic fronts and forced the Soviet Union to back down and withdraw Soviet missiles from Cuban soil.
  24. The United States interred 120,000 individuals of Japanese descent for the duration of WWII. No other nation interred those of Japanese decent.
  25. The first colony founded by the Pilgrims was at Plymouth in 1620.
  26. The ice cream cone came about in 1904 when an ice cream vendor and a pastry vendor made the serendipitous discovery that their products went well together during the Louisiana Purchase Exposition at Saint Louis.
  27. The American Revolution was a matter of the colonials falling back on their own resources to fight the British regular forces to the point of their surrender.
  28. In March of 1775 Patrick Henry delivered the "Give me Liberty of Give Me Death" Speech in Richmond and the colony of Virginia was thus persuaded to join the revolution.
  29. It took the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor to get the United States to enter WWII and it was the last nation to join the Allied Forces.
  30. Early English colonists lived in log cabins.
  31. Paul Revere's Ride single handedly alerted the countryside of the approaching British forces.

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Quiz topic: Did my History Teacher Lie To You?