Defining your Personality | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Defining your Personality.

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  • im friendly but very close to boyish and i am a boyishh girl xD

    Too me
  • Anti-social

    You have a bad attitude, you are quiet often. You can sit in a corner and mumble to yourself without being embarrassed. You barely talk to anyone. This is plain bad :(

    I don't have a bad attitude; it just seems like it because I'm not a social butterfly and thus have a very small "social battery". When that battery gets low on energy, I get tired, and when I get tired, I get little cranky when forced into social situations. I am a loner, and I appreciate my quiet alone time.

    Besides, being Anti-Social (a.k.a. a loner) doesn't necessarily mean mumbling to oneself in a dark corner. And it certainly doesn't mean being a psychopath who wants to kill everyone in the vicinity, a statement which the media seemingly cannot wrap their heads around. "Oh, he shot everyone in his school? He must be *gasp* a loner!" (Or even worse, he listens to *gasp* heavy metal!)

    Anyway, this quiz was pretty good. Eight stars.

    (If anyone else gets this result -- or even if you don't -- I'd s

  • i'm friendly!


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