cute love story

so... this is my first cute love story quiz. i'll give descriptions of the boys for in case you forget what they look like. and you don't really have to read this part

MAISON: black hair, kinda afro, glasses, VERY rude and mean, cusses DAMON: chocolate brown flippy hair, shy, kinda emo ROBERT: very sporty, player, black curly afro kinda hair ETHAN: dark brown buzz cut, very funny

Created by: Cheese Sandwich

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. you wake up to hear your annoying alarm clock beeping at you. another boring school day, you thought. so when you wake up what do you wear?
  2. (whatever you chose) as you walk to school you hear someone yell "get out of the way freak!" thats what people call you at Atkinson high. you never knew why they called you that. probably because your sister, Arya calls you that. she's the popular girl at Atkinson.
  3. your mom is the principle of Atkinson high, you r name is Catrina Valentine but your friends call you Cat. your sister is Arya Valentine. you have bright red hair and brown eyes. your sister has blonde hair with baby blue eyes.
  4. as your walking to school with Arya you hear car horn. "hottie alert!" says one of the boys. you roll your eyes. it was jason and his crew. the most popular people at school. (besides Arya)"so Arya want to ride to school with us instead of walk to school with this loser?" "sure" she smiles at you evily trying to make you mad, but it doesn't work.
  5. all of a sudden you see something move in the corner of your eye as they drive off. you turn your head to see a tall boy with dark brown curly hair with another emo looking boy with chocolate brown flippy hair. you keep walking and you hear them whispering. you try to make out what they're saying but all you can hear is someone yell "3!" then you black out
  6. you wake up in an unfamiliar room. what color is it? (the color you chose) "hope you like it you'll be staying here for a while." the sound of their voice makes you jump. "who are you?" "does it matter?!" the boy yells at you.
  7. you start crying because you are scared. you don't know where you are, why your there, and who these boys are. all of a sudden a boy with black hair rushes in. "MAISON WHAT DID YOU DO!?" then they start fighting and you keep crying while trying to find a way out of the room. but you cant find a door which is unusual. "ARE ONE OF YOU RETARDS GONNA TELL ME WHATS GOING ON!?" you yell. both boys looked surprised.
  8. well um... we'll tell you later. then another boy walk in cautiously, " we have company." "crap i thought i told then not to come back." Maison says irritated. what in bloody hell is going on you think to yourself. you try to go to sleep but you just can't. you go over everything that happened that day. when you finally fall asleep, you sleep for what feels like 5 minutes until you hear a noise. not like a creepy noise, but a strange noise.
  9. all of a sudden you see a light in the wall and what look like a window appears. it has big metal bars over it so no one can get in or out. but somehow someone slips in. he has dirty blonde hair and looks pretty muscular. "w-who are you" you ask nervously. "im here to save you." he says mischievously. "i dont trust you" "well too bad your coming with me." you scream and kick and thrash while he grips you harder the more you thrash and kick. then the door opens. and all the boys are standing there in shock. you dont notice what they're staring at until the strange boy gets thrown back. you look around bewildered wondering what happened and you see fire surrounding you. so thats why he wasnt getting that close to me you thought in awe. then you blacked out.
  10. when you wake up you are in but another room that looks unfamiliar. whats with me blacking out and waking up in random rooms you think. who are you thinking of?
  11. so... who do you like so far?

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