could you survive catholic school | Comments

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  • Um... I go to Catholic school, I wouldn't go to public school in a million years!!!!

  • I remember that girl getting slapped with a ruler at 13 in their sex education class. He we survived and lived to tell the story.

  • Did we go to school together?? If so, I think you forgot a few things. The nuns who picked up a kid from his shirt collar three feet off of the floor. Or the kids who talked in "church" who got hit with the paddle right in front of the class. Or the girl who asked where the umbilical chord after the baby was delivered in the "sex education" class. Or the crossed eyed girl who the priest did not stop after getting made fun of for a few years. I walked down those hallways 20 years later to get paperwork and felt the same anxiety. Not to even mention the kid that was sexually molested. I tried to get my name removed from the Catholic Church Baptism but I was unable too. I guess they consider once a Catholic always a Catholic which is why they claim billions of "worshipers." The Bishop would not allow it. My 5 other brothers and sisters became atheists (most likely due to their horrible experiences at Holy Family Church in Nutley. At a earlier graduation class a woman told my brother she always felt a bond between her grammar school kids as all of the abuse they took. I am the only one who converted.

  • I went to a catholic and it was even close to like that. there were no nuns and in your quiz you make everything about catholic schools sound aweful. and my spanish teacher did speak english and 3rd grade is actually a better age to learn because you can still watch dora fo tips! not even kidding you, i learned spanish in 2nd grade!

  • Umm, I hope you didn't attend catholic school, if you did, it hasn't helped much. Honey, you need to learn how to spell. (It's hard to dog on a teacher who doesn't speak "engish")

  • seriously, how old are you. A bunch of my peeps go to catholic school and its not like that at all, get modern man


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