Could you be on the Autism spectrum?

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Do you have autism or Asperger’s? It is time to get a general idea by taking the quiz. I am not a qualified doctor so your result is based on my own experiences as an asd individual.

If you believe you are autistic please consult your doctor because they can give you a valid diagnosis and also please enjoy yourself when taking the quiz :)

Created by: Iloveyouhoneygivemeabeer
  1. Do you have social struggles? For instance, do you find it difficult to make eye contact, recognise when it’s your turn to talk or understand sarcasm/ figures of speech.
  2. Do you stim? Example: hand flapping, rocking, spinning etc?
  3. Do you have obsessions over things, only focus on something if you like it, or just talk about your favourite things?
  4. Are you hypersensitive to bright lights, noises or textures?
  5. Do you feel weird compared to other people?
  6. Do you find it difficult to make friends?
  7. Do you repeat words/ a certain word somebody’s just said to you or sing a line from a song over and over and over and over? This is known as echolalia
  8. Are/were your milestones (such as first words or steps) advanced or delayed at all?
  9. Do you cope well in loud busy situations such as crowds?
  10. Did you like the quiz

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