Am I on the autism spectrum

Do you think your autistic? Take this quiz. Please remember that this is not an official diagnosis and I am not a professional. this quiz can help you decide if you want to get a diagnosis

If you have any concerns or think you’re autistic please talk to a professional I do not know how to get this assessment. This quiz can help you decide weather or not you should self-diagnose (after lots of research)

Created by: Anonymous
  1. Do you find it easy to make new friends
  2. After large or long social events do you have to isolate yourself for a few hours
  3. Do you have a interest that is extreme
  4. Are you sensitive to sound ,taste, smell and/or touch or the complete opposite less sensitive to sound ,taste, smell and/or touch
  5. Do you have severe anxiety attacks were you throw stuff hit yourself or others
  6. Do you do repetitive movements eg: flap hands, rock, line up objects or clap
  7. Do you struggle with eye contact eg: too much eye contact of not enough
  8. Do you struggle to understand sarcasm
  9. Do you have too much empathy or too little empathy
  10. After school or work do you feel overwhelmed

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