Could u survive world war Z??

Uh i dont know what to say hahasomeone who has an extraordinarily clever mind, is able to solve complex problems, and la al al allalal chease cheat you

Are YOU a genius? Do you have the brainpower to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could only wonder i have to copy sry guys lol heheheheheheheheheh

Created by: Sam

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. a virus has spread that makes people crave flesh. Where do you first learn this?
  2. The Desise has spread and in 5 days only 1/8 of the earths population has stayed human. You are Hungry, Tired, And you've walked for 27 hours. You are wiped out. You need a hiding place. Where is it??
  3. You have your hiding spot. now whats your group consist of?
  4. You and your group hide out in your base for a day. Then, it is swarmed by zombies With only one way out. what do you do??
  5. lets just say you abandon them. 2 manage to escape with you. who are one of them and what is their backround. (Reminder, they are all your friends)
  6. what who are the other 2?
  7. Sam Has lead the 4 of you to a new base. What is it?
  8. What is the wepon of your choice
  9. After a week of being very successfull, you, Sam, and john find another group and they raid you of all your supplies overnight and kidnapped one of your members. Who was it?
  10. true or false: Zombies are very picky
  11. Its been 3 weeks and you just happen to stumble upon the group that took your other member. What do you do
  12. Your group member is given back, and one of their group members has kindley joined you. Who is it
  13. Whoever you picked, they convinced the other group memnbers to join you. What is your possition in your group
  14. If You didnt say leader, who is the leader? (if you did, skip this question)
  15. if you did say leader, who is the Co-leader? (if you didnt say leader skip this question)

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