Conversations in the Classics

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Did you attend the free class called "The Ancient Greek Hero in Twenty-Four Hours"? Still want more? You can join version three right now or join Hour 25.

Hour 25 is a community of independent researchers in classical studies and Greek mythology. Check out our website for conversation, forums, video and learned papers.

Created by: William Moulton
  1. Which Athenian playwright wrote "The Frogs"?
  2. Who was Machaon's father?
  3. Diomedes' buddies Glaucus and Odysseus have what ancestor in common?
  4. Who is the daemon of time?
  5. Which character is called a "boy" in the play "Philoctetes"?
  6. In the Iliad, who wove "a great purple web of double fold, and thereon was broidering many battles of the horse-taming Trojans and the brazen-coated Achaeans"
  7. In the Iliad, who ruled the Aethopians upon the shores of the great River Ocean who sacrificed hecatombs to the immortals?
  8. The first word of the Iliad is; Wrath? Whose?
  9. Which goddess is Homer definitely NOT appealing to in the opening line of the Iliad?
  10. In Iliad 11 who interrupts Nestor and Machaon's sacred conversation?

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