CIS204 Quiz #1 - Covers Chapters 1-4

This is a basic HTML quiz...let's see how you do...good luck! If you need help clarifying anything, just ask! (however, i wont give you the answers :))

So, without further ado -- get on it, and lets get this thing out of the way! Flex those brain muscles and breathe deep...this could get fun...i promise

Created by: kasey
  1. What does HTML stand for?
  2. Which tag will create the largest HTML Heading?
  3. Which HTML tag will insert a line break? (not an actual line...just a break in text or an image)
  4. What is the correct HTML to add a background color to a page?
  5. How do you make text bold? (besides the <strong> tag)
  6. how do you make text italic?
  7. How would you link to
  8. how would you link to another HTML page that is one folder (directory) below the current HTML page, in a directory called "myfamily"
  9. how many pairs of TD tags would you write to create 4 columns?
  10. how would you make a table 500 pixels wide?
  11. how do you insert an image?
  12. how do you insert an image that is in an "images" directory one level below your current page?
  13. EXTRA CREDIT: which FTP client should you use? (for this class)

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