Choose your destiny!

There are lots of people in the world that have power, but lack the power they COULD have in order to be the greatest person that ever lived. I want to know, and I'm sure you do too, if you have what it takes.

Are you the next God? If you think so, you better answer these questions wisely, because the world we live in today is balls. Maybe you'll be the worlds next true monopoly.

Created by: scootmore
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. I most often
  2. I do drugs
  3. I'd rather fantasize about
  4. In school I got
  5. Do you support gay marriage?
  6. I think religion is
  7. Telemarketers should
  8. The current government is
  9. My favorite holiday is
  10. Everyone should

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Quiz topic: Choose my destiny!