Can You SKIP a Grade? | Comments

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  • It gave me a MAYBE. I am in 5th grade right now. I already skipped 2nd grade. Currently I am in advanced classes and in 8th grade level reading and mathematics. This quiz is very innacurate. Plus, the questions had nothing to do with subjects or academics.

  • This quiz is not really qualified. Most of the questions didn't have much to do with skipping a grade. Right now I have a college reading level. I read a medical school leveled book about Psychiatry, and understood the concepts. I always get 4.0's. I'm easily the smartest in my grade. I have an IQ of a genius, and it said maybe.

  • Im in 5th grade I what to skip 6th grade so I can be in 7th grade Im smart and mature and some of my friends are going to be in 7th grade 8th and higher

  • LMFAO. 100% no? Damn, you might wanna speak to my teacher then, cuz I skipped not one, but two... T..W.. O TWO, grades. (excuse my use of dramatics) lol. (damn, now I got the flipazoo song in my head. 'it's not one, it's two, it's flip flipazoo') anyway... Nice quiz, I guess

    -ghettobabe4ever ♡

  • im supposed to be a sophomore but im a freshman and i want to get put in my right grade the school i got to im ahead of all the other 9th graders everything im in is 10 th grade level

    niecey 16
  • I actually skipped a grade and it said MAYBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!? ??????

  • Lol I got no Yeah basically, I'm pretty stupid if I do say so myself. Wow, just so proud of myself. The study question had such an accurate answer. I keep forgetting all my stuff at school; I keep telling myself to label my stuff so I'll be able to find it after I lose it but too lazy.

    K gonna rot my brain some more sayonara

  • I am currently a 7th grader who skipped 3rd grade, has a college reading level, has a high school math level, and is smarter than most in general, and this quiz gave me a MAYBE. But this quiz is also not very qualified for judging if you could skip a grade considering most of the questions don't even make sense.

    • Omg same I am in sixth and have a IQ of 292 and it gave me maybe

    • My mother held me back in Kindergarten and it wasn't because of behavior or grades. So I really want to be in the grade I'm supposed to be in. But the test said I could maybe skip a grade but I should stay in my grade. Not the response I was looking for.

  • I am currently a 7th grader who skipped 3rd grade, has a college reading level, has a high school math level, and is smarter than most in general, and this quiz gave me a MAYBE. But this quiz is also not very qualified for judging if you could skip a grade considering most of the questions don't even make sense.

  • Wow so inaccurate i got a maybe and i skipped 6th to 9th currently been accepted in to Harvard,Yale,Duke,a nd MIT.

    Accepted into all ivy league schools and going to study to become a neuro-surgeon

  • This is totally wrong. I got maybe, but I've already skipped a grade. I'm still at the top of my classes and have a perfect 4.0 GPA (my school doesn't let me take AP classes yet, but I'm taking like 2-3 next year).

  • This is not an accurate quiz, if it were to tell you if you were qualified them you would need to enter what your grade was and actual subject information. Also the question on the Harry potter books was really biased. Just because someone is smart does not nescessarily men's the like the entire series or even any of it.

  • This quiz is inaccurate, don't even get me started on the ridiculous criteria this uses to determine whether grade acceleration is necessary.

  • I could skip a grade. I get straight A's in school and im a lot smarter than most people, even some adults. I am going into 8th grade this year. I use more vocabulary than most people and half or the time people cant understand me :D I dont even know my reading level but I know its high. Im in advanced classes and most of the time they are too easy for me because I am a fast learner.

  • You say I can't but I get ALL A's. Just because I don't study doesn't mean I do bad in school. Not accurate.

    tara the amazing
  • Maybe?

    With the way I read, I sjould be in 10h Grade.

    With the way I write, I could be in 7th Grade.

    With the way my ';Get It Done' attidude is, I should be in 8th Grade.

    Those Are prety big Friggin Variables. So, I think 'Maybe' is a 'yes.'

    But I'm just saying.


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