Can you get a boyfriend easily?!?! | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Can you get a boyfriend easily?!?!

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  • 17% Alrighty. That was odd. And I really don't try. I tink when the first words out of your guy friend's mouth our "Your hair isn't bushy today," when you actually DO your hair you know you're a bit not girly. One of my friends and I were talking about first impresions and I asked him what he thought of me at first and the conversaions was quite funny:

    Him: I'd rather not say.
    Me: Why not?
    Him: You won't like it.
    Me: Oh well, tell me I won't get mad.

    Him: Fine. I thought you were a bit of a nerd.

    MeL Thanks!

    Him: That went better then I thought it would.


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