Can you burp quiz

This quiz is to find out if you truly like burping or if you just plain out hate it. This quiz will also tell you if you can burp or not. If you cant burp you should get some lessons.

Look up on youtube on how to burp . There will be nice videos to show you how good some burps their are. If you get the result "you are a good burper" that means you already know your stuff.

Created by: Jennifer
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What makes you burp?
  2. You feel a huge belch building up when your at a restaurant with your family, what do you do?
  3. Your at the movies and you just chugged 2 big sodas. You feel the most biggest burp coming up, you....
  4. Would you rather fart or burp?
  5. What are some things you can do to Your body to make you belch or burp?
  6. What is your take on belching in public?
  7. Does your family support your belching?
  8. Would you belch on a date?
  9. Who do you belch in front of?
  10. Your friend belches , you...

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Quiz topic: Can I burp quiz