can u survive a 24 hr zombie apocolypse

if you can survive 24 hrs in a zombie apocolypse then cool for you if not you suck and should probabily go home and cry to moma you little babey you and make me some pizza while your at it.

sure sure take the test but if you fail im just goonna watch the zombies eat you wait heres an idea um i dont know dont suck at this and youll live for now.

Created by: Eric Austin

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

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  3. what would you do if your friend got bit?
  4. where would you hide and is it a good place to hide?
  5. where would you hide and is it a good place to hide?
  6. wat do you do if youve been bit?
  7. who would live longer a 5 year old by him self or an adult with three other people
  8. wat is the best way to kill a zombie
  9. if you knew there would be a zombie apocolyps before there was who would you worn
  10. do you think you would survive the whole 24 hrs?

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