Can I Outsmart You?

After a short discussion in my brain I decided to make a quiz about general facts that I know. I call it the "Are you Smarter Than Me" quiz. Throughout this quiz ten questions that relate to general facts I know exist. ENJOY!!!

It did take a while to generate the questions for this exam. When you take the test their are five different answers you can choose from. The last one will always be DO NOT KNOW which has no penalty to your score. The other four consist of 1 correct answer and 3 incorrect answers. the incorrect answers recieve a negative point value while the correct answer recieves a positive point value. ENJOY!!!

Created by: Kevin

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What country did the Chernobyl disaster occur in?(when it happened)
  2. On the tail of an airplane, their is a piece that moves back and forth, it is known as the
  3. When looking at the ceiling of a building, a foam will be seen applied to all the metal beams. What is its purpose?
  4. How do you know the number of gears on a bike?
  5. The sterring wheel of an airplane is known as the
  6. CPU in the computer stands for
  7. What is Washington's (single) largest ski area? (not the summit because they are really 4 different resorts)
  8. Which word is a correctly spelled?
  9. How long is an Olympic size swimming pool?
  10. How hard was this test? (no penalty for answering

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