Bueaty truth tester

Confused about how you look?this quiz might fetch the answer that you want so go ahead dont think toooo much you wont lose anything, RIGHT . You might become confident about how look after this test

Are you good looking. Finding for such an answer this is the perfect quiz for you i too take many of these tests even though i know i look good meaning to say was that it wont harm you

Created by: Aisha

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age
  2. What is your skin tone?
  3. Any history of boyfriends
  4. Do people tell that you are pretty
  5. Are you thin
  6. Is your height okay for your age
  7. Do you apply make up
  8. If your crush doesn't look at you for a day what do you do
  9. Does your hairstyle suit you
  10. Do your friends tell that you are stylish
  11. Guys i made this test for the first time so how was it

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