Bee Swarm Simulator Quiz With Kaffenal Medium Version

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This is a sequel to my quiz: bee swarm simulator quiz with kaffenal! This quiz is for people who passed bee swarm simulator quiz with kaffenal! If you haven't passed that quiz then try it again before playing this one.

This quiz is harder than the last because it talks about more confusing things (mythic bees, wealth clocks etc.) but if you passed the last one this is for you!

Created by: kaffenal of kaffenal
(your link here more info)
  1. What are the types of mythic bees?
  2. How much honey is a Porcelain Dipper cost?
  3. What happens if you have 3 different types of mythic bees?
  4. How much health does the coconut crab have?
  5. What does vector bee do?
  6. What is the maximum number of bees you can have?
  7. Is onett a npc?
  8. What's the best sprout?
  9. 🗡how much health does the stump snail have?🗡
  10. 🕰how much time does take for the wealth clock to activate?🕰

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