Background MLP Character Test
Appears at the Apple family reunion in Friendship is Magic, part 1, in a crowd of Fluttershy fans in Green Isn't Your Color, wearing an orange cowpony hat in Over a Barrel, at the barn-raising in Too Many Pinkie Pies, in the audience at the end of Magic Duel, and in Apple Family Reunion. Shares her design with Apple Fritter and "Violet Fritter". Her cutie mark is three green apples in Friendship is Magic, part 1, Over a Barrel, and Too Many Pinkie Pies, but is three pieces of apple fritter in Green Isn't Your Color.
Tramples Twilight Sparkle during the Apple family reunion in Friendship is Magic, part 1. Appears in Appleloosa with a cowpony hat and boots. When she dances alongside Pinkie, her boots vanish from her front hooves. Also appears in The Last Roundup, A Canterlot Wedding - Part 1, Magic Duel, Apple Family Reunion, and Spike at Your Service. Shares her design with "Apple Cider" and "Apple Munchies". When she runs, she has the same mane style as Red Gala. Her cutie mark is a pie. Her name comes from the fourth and sixth waves of mystery packs, which state that she "is always smiling wherever she goes!" A third mini-figure toy of her has been leaked.
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