Are You Ugly, Cute, or Hot?(Girls Only)

Girls can think boys are cute, and boys can think girls are cute. Girls sometimes think other girls are cute, but not in the same way.Therefore taking a quiz on "if you are ugly cute or hot" for girls means it has to be written by a boy. Vice- versa with boys. So this is what I thaought an example of hot, cute, average, or ugly girl would look like

Disclaimer: This is my opinion, so don't blame me if you get a bad score, if you get a perfect score you are the ideal girlfriend in my opinion. :) good luck!.

Created by: MaxWhoLikesGirls of My Game Store
(your link here more info)
  1. What Hair color Do You Have
  2. Your Complexion Is...
  3. Do You Have A Boyfriend
  4. what's your age
  5. Has Someone Ever Kissed You On The Lips
  6. Your body is...
  7. You Wear...Y
  8. your weight is... Y
  9. Eye color
  10. Are you stupid

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Quiz topic: Am I Ugly, Cute, or Hot?(Girls Only)

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