Are you techno-savvy?

There is nothing wrong with being a techno-geek. The modern world would be much different without them. We would have no microwaves, cameras, TVs, or jumbo jets. Now wouldn't that be just terribble!

This quiz is designed to determine whether or not YOU are computer-savvy using only a mere 15 questions. It will only take a few minutes to find out, so start now!

Created by: anonymous
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how many computers do you have?
  2. do you have a PDA?
  3. What does HTTP mean?
  4. what edition of windows do you have?
  5. How often do you use your computer(s)?
  6. Do you have administrator privelages?
  7. do you have:
  8. Does your computer have a floppy disk drive? (floppy disks are square, cds and dvds are round)
  9. how many bits are in a byte?
  11. What kind of Cell Phone do you have?
  12. Why did you take this Quiz? (Answer Truthfully!)
  13. was this the best quiz ever?

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Quiz topic: Am I techno-savvy?